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be nowhere in sight

  • 1 sight

    sight [saɪt]
    vue1 (a)-(c) spectacle1 (d) curiosité1 (e) avis1 (f) pagaille1 (g) viseur1 (h) voir2 (a) repérer2 (a) viser1 (h), 2 (b) beaucoup3
    1 noun
    (a) (faculty, sense) vue f;
    to have good/bad sight avoir une bonne/mauvaise vue;
    her sight is failing sa vue baisse;
    to lose/to recover one's sight perdre/recouvrer la vue
    (b) (act, instance of seeing) vue f;
    he fainted at the sight of the blood il s'est évanoui à la vue du sang;
    it was my first sight of the Pacific c'était la première fois que je voyais le Pacifique;
    at first sight the place seemed abandoned à première vue, l'endroit avait l'air abandonné;
    it was love at first sight ce fut le coup de foudre;
    do you believe in love at first sight? est-ce que tu crois au coup de foudre?;
    to catch sight of sb/sth apercevoir ou entrevoir qn/qch;
    to lose sight of sb/sth perdre qn/qch de vue;
    figurative we mustn't lose sight of the fact that… il ne faut pas perdre de vue (le fait) que… + indicative;
    I can't stand or bear the sight of him! je ne le supporte pas!;
    I can't stand the sight of blood je ne supporte pas la vue du sang;
    to know sb by sight connaître qn de vue;
    to buy sth sight unseen acheter qch sans l'avoir vu;
    Commerce we need to have sight of it first il faut le voir d'abord;
    he can play music at or American by sight il sait déchiffrer une partition;
    to shoot at or on sight tirer à vue;
    payable at or American on sight payable à vue
    (c) (range of vision) (portée f de) vue f;
    the plane was still in sight l'avion était encore en vue;
    there wasn't a taxi in sight il n'y avait pas un (seul) taxi en vue;
    I heard her voice but she was nowhere in sight j'entendais sa voix mais je ne la voyais nulle part;
    is the end in sight? est-ce que tu en vois la fin?;
    there's still no end in sight je n'en vois pas la fin;
    keep that car/your goal in sight ne perdez pas cette voiture/votre but de vue;
    the mountains came into sight les montagnes sont apparues;
    the runners came into sight les coureurs sont apparus;
    I watched her until she was out of sight je l'ai regardée jusqu'à ce qu'elle disparaisse de ma vue;
    keep out of sight! ne vous montrez pas!, cachez-vous!;
    keep it out of sight ne le montrez pas, cachez-le;
    she never lets him out of her sight elle ne le perd jamais de vue;
    (get) out of my sight! hors de ma vue!;
    get that dog out of my sight! faites disparaître ce chien!;
    a peace settlement now seems within sight un accord de paix semble maintenant possible;
    it was impossible to get within sight of the accident il était impossible de s'approcher du lieu de l'accident pour voir ce qui se passait;
    he had to give up within sight of the summit il a dû renoncer à quelques mètres du sommet;
    proverb out of sight, out of mind loin des yeux, loin du cœur
    (d) (spectacle) spectacle m;
    the cliffs were an impressive sight les falaises étaient impressionnantes à voir;
    beggars are a common sight on the streets on voit beaucoup de mendiants dans les rues;
    it was not a pretty sight ça n'était pas beau à voir;
    the waterfalls are a sight worth seeing les cascades valent la peine d'être vues;
    it was a sight for sore eyes c'était un soulagement de voir ça;
    you're a sight for sore eyes! (you're a welcome sight) Dieu merci te voilà!; (you look awful) tu fais vraiment peine à voir!
    (e) (tourist attraction) curiosité f;
    one of the sights of Rome une des choses à voir à Rome;
    I'll show you or take you round the sights tomorrow je vous ferai visiter ou voir la ville demain;
    to see the sights of the town visiter la ville
    (f) literary (opinion, judgment) avis m, opinion f;
    in my father's sight she could do no wrong aux yeux de mon père, elle était incapable de faire du mal;
    we are all equal in the sight of God nous sommes tous égaux devant Dieu
    the kitchen was a sight! quelle pagaille dans la cuisine!;
    your hair is a sight! tu as vu tes cheveux?;
    what a sight you are!, you look a sight! (wet, dirty) te voilà dans un drôle d'état!; (ridiculous) de quoi tu as l'air comme ça!;
    you're or you look a sight in that outfit! tu as vu de quoi tu as l'air dans cette tenue?;
    I must look a sight! je ne dois pas être beau à voir!;
    what a sight! quel tableau!
    (h) (aiming device) viseur m; (on mortar) appareil m de pointage;
    to take a sight on sth viser qch;
    front sight guidon m;
    notch sight cran m de mire;
    angle of sight angle m de visée ou de site, site m;
    to have sth in one's sights avoir qch dans sa ligne de tir; figurative avoir qch en vue;
    figurative to lower one's sights viser moins haut;
    to set one's sights on doing sth avoir pour ambition de faire qch;
    he's set his sights on becoming a doctor son ambition est de devenir médecin;
    she has her sights set on the presidency/a diplomatic career elle vise la présidence/une carrière de diplomate
    (a) (see) voir, apercevoir; (spot) repérer;
    the clouds parted and we sighted the summit les nuages se déchirèrent et nous aperçûmes le sommet;
    a submarine was sighted un sous-marin a été repéré
    (b) to sight one's gun (aim) viser; (adjust sights of) régler le viseur de son fusil;
    he carefully sighted his pistol at the target il visa soigneusement la cible avec son pistolet
    British familiar beaucoup ;
    you'd earn a (damn) sight more money working in industry votre salaire serait beaucoup plus important si vous travailliez dans l'industrie;
    it's a (far) sight worse than before c'est bien pire qu'avant ;
    he's a sight too modest il est bien ou beaucoup trop modeste;
    not by a long sight loin de là, bien au contraire
    ►► Finance sight bill effet m à vue;
    Technology sight check contrôle m à vue, contrôle m visuel;
    Finance sight deposit dépôt m à vue;
    Finance sight draft traite f à vue;
    sight gag gag m visuel;
    Finance sight letter of credit crédit m utilisable à vue;
    Stock Exchange sight quotation cotation f à vue

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > sight

  • 2 nowhere

    (in or to no place; not anywhere: It was nowhere to be found; `Where have you been?' `Nowhere in particular.') en ninguna parte, en ningún sitio, en ningún lugar
    nowhere adv ninguna parte / ningún sitio
    where are you going? Nowhere ¿adónde vas? A ninguna parte
    nowhere near muy lejos / ni mucho menos
    I am nowhere near finished estoy muy lejos de acabar / me falta mucho para acabar
    1 (position) en ninguna parte, en ningún sitio, en ningún lugar; (direction) a ninguna parte, a ningún sitio
    where are you going? --nowhere special ¿dónde vas? --a ningún sitio en especial
    that will get you nowhere eso no te llevará a ninguna parte, eso no te ayudará en nada
    in the middle of nowhere en el quinto pino
    nowhere near muy lejos de
    nowhere ['no:.hwɛr] adv
    1) : en ninguna parte, a ningún lado
    nowhere to be found: en ninguna parte, por ningún lado
    you're going nowhere: no estás yendo a ningún lado, no estás yendo a ninguna parte
    nowhere near : ni con mucho, nada cerca
    it's nowhere near here: no está nada cerca de aquí
    1) : ninguna parte f
    out of nowhere : de la nada
    a ninguna parte adv.
    en ninguna parte adv.
    ninguna parte s.f.
    ningún sitio s.m.

    I 'nəʊhwer, 'nəʊweə(r)

    where did you go last night? - nowhere — ¿adónde fuiste anoche? - a ningún lado or a ninguna parte

    she was nowhere to be found/seen — no se la encontraba/se la veía por ningún lado or por ninguna parte

    to get nowhere — no conseguir* or no lograr nada

    we're getting nowhere fast — (colloq) no estamos avanzando nada de nada (fam)

    to go o lead nowhere — no conducir* a nada


    nowhere near: Warsaw is nowhere near Moscow Varsovia está lejísimos de Moscú; my house is nowhere near as big as theirs — mi casa no es tan grande como la suya ni mucho menos


    nowhere was open yettodavía no había nada (or ningún lugar etc) abierto

    he had nowhere to go/hide — no tenía dónde ir/dónde esconderse

    the car just appeared from o out of nowhere — el coche apareció de la nada

    1) (lit) [be] en ninguna parte; [go] a ninguna parte

    nowhere else — en/a ninguna otra parte

    from nowhere — de la nada

    nowhere in Europe — en ninguna parte de Europa

    he was nowhere to be seen, he was nowhere in sightno se le veía por ninguna parte

    2) (fig)

    he came from nowhere to take the lead in the race — pasó de ir muy a la zaga a tomar la delantera en la carrera

    we're getting nowhere — no estamos consiguiendo nada

    a fiver goes nowhere these days — cinco libras no se hace nada hoy en día

    it's nowhere near as big — no es tan grande ni con mucho

    it's nowhere near as good — no es tan bueno ni con mucho, dista mucho de ser tan bueno

    £10 is nowhere near enough — 10 libras no bastan, ni mucho menos

    * * *

    I ['nəʊhwer, 'nəʊweə(r)]

    where did you go last night? - nowhere — ¿adónde fuiste anoche? - a ningún lado or a ninguna parte

    she was nowhere to be found/seen — no se la encontraba/se la veía por ningún lado or por ninguna parte

    to get nowhere — no conseguir* or no lograr nada

    we're getting nowhere fast — (colloq) no estamos avanzando nada de nada (fam)

    to go o lead nowhere — no conducir* a nada


    nowhere near: Warsaw is nowhere near Moscow Varsovia está lejísimos de Moscú; my house is nowhere near as big as theirs — mi casa no es tan grande como la suya ni mucho menos


    nowhere was open yettodavía no había nada (or ningún lugar etc) abierto

    he had nowhere to go/hide — no tenía dónde ir/dónde esconderse

    the car just appeared from o out of nowhere — el coche apareció de la nada

    English-spanish dictionary > nowhere

  • 3 sight

    1. noun
    1) (faculty) Sehvermögen, das

    loss of sightVerlust des Sehvermögens

    near sightsee academic.ru/66874/short_sight">short sight

    by sightmit dem Gesichtssinn od. den Augen

    know somebody by sight — jemanden vom Sehen kennen; see also long sight; short sight

    2) (act of seeing) Anblick, der

    at [the] sight of somebody/blood — bei jemandes Anblick/beim Anblick von Blut

    catch sight of somebody/something — (lit. or fig.) jemanden/etwas erblicken

    lose sight of somebody/something — (lit. or fig.) jemanden/etwas aus dem Auge od. den Augen verlieren

    shoot somebody at or on sight — jemanden gleich [bei seinem Erscheinen] erschießen

    3) (spectacle) Anblick, der

    be a sorry sighteinen traurigen Anblick od. ein trauriges Bild bieten

    it is a sight to see or to behold or worth seeing — das muss man gesehen haben

    be/look a [real] sight — (coll.) (amusing) [vollkommen] unmöglich aussehen (ugs.); (horrible) böse od. schlimm aussehen

    4) in pl. (noteworthy features) Sehenswürdigkeiten Pl.

    see the sightssich (Dat.) die Sehenswürdigkeiten ansehen

    5) (range) Sichtweite, die

    in sight(lit. or fig.) in Sicht

    come into sightin Sicht kommen

    keep somebody/something in sight — (lit. or fig.) jemanden/etwas im Auge behalten

    within or in sight of somebody/something — (able to see) in jemandes Sichtweite (Dat.) /in Sichtweite einer Sache

    be out of sight — außer Sicht sein; (coll.): (be excellent) wahnsinnig sein (ugs.)

    keep or stay out of [somebody's] sight — sich [von jemandem] nicht sehen lassen

    keep somebody/something out of sight — jemanden/etwas niemanden sehen lassen

    keep something/somebody out of somebody's sight — jemanden etwas/jemanden nicht sehen lassen

    not let somebody/something out of one's sight — jemanden/etwas nicht aus den Augen lassen

    out of sight, out of mind — (prov.) aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn

    6) (device for aiming) Visier, das

    sights — Visiervorrichtung, die

    set/have [set] one's sights on something — (fig.) etwas anpeilen

    set one's sights [too] high — (fig.) seine Ziele [zu] hoch stecken

    lower/raise one's sights — (fig.) zurückstecken/sich (Dat.) ein höheres Ziel setzen

    2. transitive verb
    sichten [Land, Schiff, Flugzeug, Wrack]; sehen [Entflohenen, Vermissten]; antreffen [seltenes Tier, seltene Pflanze]
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (the act or power of seeing: The blind man had lost his sight in the war.) das Sehvermögen
    2) (the area within which things can be seen by someone: The boat was within sight of land; The end of our troubles is in sight.) die Sicht(-weite)
    3) (something worth seeing: She took her visitors to see the sights of London.) die Sehenswürdigkeit
    4) (a view or glimpse.) der Blick
    5) (something seen that is unusual, ridiculous, shocking etc: She's quite a sight in that hat.) der Anblick
    6) ((on a gun etc) an apparatus to guide the eye in taking aim: Where is the sight on a rifle?) das Visier
    2. verb
    1) (to get a view of; to see suddenly: We sighted the coast as dawn broke.) sichten
    2) (to look at (something) through the sight of a gun: He sighted his prey and pulled the trigger.) anvisieren
    - sight-seeing
    - sight-seer
    - catch sight of
    - lose sight of
    * * *
    I. n
    1. no pl (ability to see)
    [sense of] \sight Sehvermögen nt; (strength of vision) Sehleistung f, Sehkraft f
    he's got very good \sight er sieht sehr gut
    his \sight is deteriorating seine Sehkraft lässt nach
    to improve sb's \sight jds Sehleistung verbessern
    to lose one's \sight das Sehvermögen verlieren
    2. no pl (visual access) Sicht f; (visual range) Sichtweite f, Sicht f
    don't let the baby out of your \sight behalte das Baby im Auge
    land in \sight! Land in Sicht!
    get out of my \sight! ( fam) geh mir aus den Augen!
    to be in/come into \sight in Sichtweite sein/kommen
    to disappear from \sight außer Sichtweite verschwinden
    to keep \sight of sth etw im Auge behalten
    to lose \sight of sth/sb ( also fig) etw aus den Augen verlieren a. fig
    out of \sight außer [o nicht in] Sichtweite
    to keep out of \sight sich akk nicht sehen lassen
    to put sth out of \sight etw wegräumen [o verstecken
    3. no pl ( fig) Sicht f
    in the \sight of God/the law vor Gott/dem Gesetz
    a house within \sight of the mountains ein Haus mit Blick auf die Berge
    4. no pl (act of seeing) Anblick m
    they can't stand the \sight of each other sie können einander nicht ertragen
    she faints at the \sight of blood sie wird beim Anblick von Blut ohnmächtig
    at first \sight auf den ersten Blick
    love at first \sight Liebe f auf den ersten Blick
    to catch \sight of sb/sth jdn/etw erblicken
    if I ever catch \sight of you again... wenn du mir noch einmal unter die Augen kommst,...
    to do sth on \sight etw sofort tun
    to hate [or loathe] /be sick of the \sight of sb/sth den Anblick einer Person/einer S. gen hassen/nicht mehr ertragen
    to know sb by \sight jdn vom Sehen her kennen
    to play [music] at [or from] \sight [Musik] vom Blatt spielen
    5. no pl (image, spectacle) Anblick m
    to not be a pretty \sight kein angenehmer Anblick sein
    to be [or look] a \sight ( fam: ridiculous) lächerlich aussehen; (terrible) furchtbar aussehen
    to be a \sight to behold (beautiful) ein herrlicher Anblick sein; (funny) ein Bild [o Anblick] für die Götter sein a. hum fam
    6. no pl ( form: inspection) of a document, contract Einsicht f (of in + akk)
    to request \sight of the papers Einsicht in die Unterlagen verlangen
    \sights pl Sehenswürdigkeiten pl
    the \sights and sounds of London alle Sehenswürdigkeiten von London
    8. (on a gun) Visier nt, Visiereinrichtung f
    to line up the \sights das Visier ausrichten
    9. no pl ( fam: a lot)
    a \sight deutlich, um einiges
    food is a darn \sight more expensive than it used to be Essen ist um einiges teurer, als es früher war
    he's a \sight better than he was yesterday er ist heute deutlich besser als gestern
    to lower one's \sights seine Ziele zurückschrauben
    out of \sight, out of mind ( prov) aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn prov
    to be out of \sight (beyond what's possible) außerhalb des Möglichen sein [o liegen]; ( fam: excellent) spitze [o toll] sein fam
    the price of the house is out of \sight der Preis für das Haus ist unbezahlbar
    the group's new record is out of \sight! die neue Platte der Gruppe ist der Wahnsinn! fam
    to be a \sight for sore eyes ( fam: welcome sigh) ein willkommener Anblick sein; (attractive) eine [wahre] Augenweide sein
    second \sight das zweite Gesicht
    she's got the \sight sie hat das zweite Gesicht
    to set one's \sights on sth sich dat etw zum Ziel machen
    \sight unseen ungesehen, unbesehen SCHWEIZ
    I never buy anything \sight unseen ich kaufe niemals etwas ungesehen
    to be within [or in] \sight of sth kurz vor etw dat stehen
    II. vt
    to \sight land/a criminal Land/einen Kriminellen sichten
    to \sight a gun ein Gewehr mit einem Visier versehen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= faculty) Sehvermögen nt

    long/short sight — Weit-/Kurzsichtigkeit f

    to have long/short sight — weit-/kurzsichtig sein

    to lose/regain one's sight — sein Augenlicht verlieren/wiedergewinnen


    (= glimpse, seeing) it was my first sight of Paris — das war das Erste, was ich von Paris gesehen habe

    at first sight I hated him, but then... —

    love at first sight —

    at the sight of the police they ran away — als sie die Polizei sahen, rannten sie weg

    to catch sight of sb/sth — jdn/etw entdecken or erblicken

    if I catch sight of you round here again... — wenn du mir hier noch einmal unter die Augen kommst,...

    don't let me catch sight of you with her again —

    to get a sight of sb/sth we had a glorious sight of the mountains — jdn/etw zu sehen or zu Gesicht bekommen wir hatten einen herrlichen Blick auf die Berge

    to lose sight of sb/sth (lit, fig) — jdn/etw aus den Augen verlieren

    don't lose sight of the fact that... — Sie dürfen nicht außer Acht lassen, dass...

    second sight
    3) (= sth seen) Anblick m

    the sight of blood/her makes me sick — wenn ich Blut/sie sehe, wird mir übel

    that is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen — das ist das Schönste, was ich je gesehen habe

    I hate or can't bear the sight of him/his greasy hair — ich kann ihn/seine fettigen Haare (einfach) nicht ausstehen

    to be a sight to see or behold — ein herrlicher Anblick sein; (funny) ein Bild or Anblick für die Götter sein (inf)

    you're a sight for sore eyes — es ist schön, dich zu sehen

    5) (= range of vision) Sicht f

    to be in or within sight —

    to keep sb/sth out of sight — jdn/etw nicht sehen lassen

    keep out of my sight!lass dich bloß bei mir nicht mehr sehen or blicken

    to be out of or lost to sight — nicht mehr zu sehen sein, außer Sicht sein

    when he's out of our sight —

    darling, I'll never let you out of my sight again — Schatz, ich lasse dich nie mehr fort

    out of sight, out of mind (Prov) — aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn (Prov)

    6) (COMM)

    sight unseen — unbesehen, ohne Besicht (form)

    7) (fig

    = opinion) in sb's sight — in jds Augen (dat)

    8) usu pl (of city etc) Sehenswürdigkeit f
    9) (on telescope etc) Visiereinrichtung f; (on gun) Visier nt

    to have sb/sth in or within one's sights (fig) — jdn/etw im Fadenkreuz haben


    (= aim, observation) to take a sight with a gun etc at sth — etw mit einem Gewehr etc anvisieren

    11) (inf)

    a sight better/cheaper — einiges besser/billiger

    12) (inf)

    out of sightsagenhaft (sl), der Wahnsinn (inf)

    2. vt
    1) (= see) sichten (ALSO MIL); person ausmachen
    2) gun (= provide with sights) mit Visier versehen; (= adjust sights) richten
    * * *
    sight [saıt]
    A s
    1. Sehvermögen n, -kraft f, Auge(nlicht) n:
    good sight gute Augen;
    long (near) sight Weit-(Kurz)sichtigkeit f;
    have second sight das Zweite Gesicht haben;
    lose one’s sight das Augenlicht verlieren
    2. (An)Blick m, Sicht f:
    at ( oder on) sight auf Anhieb, beim ersten Anblick, sofort;
    shoot sb at sight jemanden sofort oder ohne Warnung niederschießen;
    at the sight of beim Anblick (gen);
    at first sight auf den ersten Blick;
    play (sing, translate) at sight vom Blatt spielen (singen, übersetzen);
    catch sight of erblicken;
    know by sight vom Sehen kennen;
    a) aus den Augen verlieren (a. fig),
    b) fig etwas übersehen;
    she can’t bear ( oder stand) the sight of blood sie kann kein Blut sehen
    3. fig Auge n:
    in my sight in meinen Augen;
    find favo(u)r in sb’s sight Gnade vor jemandes Augen finden
    4. Sicht(weite) f:
    a) in Sicht(weite),
    b) fig in Sicht;
    within sight of the victory den Sieg (dicht) vor Augen;
    out of sight außer Sicht;
    out of sight, out of mind (Sprichwort) aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn;
    there’s no end in sight ein Ende ist nicht abzusehen;
    be nowhere in sight nirgends zu sehen sein;
    come in sight in Sicht kommen;
    (get) out of my sight! geh mir aus den Augen!;
    a) wegtun,
    b) umg Essen wegputzen;
    remain out of sight nach wie vor nicht in Sicht sein
    5. WIRTSCH Sicht f:
    payable at sight bei Sicht fällig;
    bill (payable) at sight Sichtwechsel m;
    30 days (after) sight 30 Tage (nach) Sicht;
    bill (payable) after sight Nachsichtwechsel m;
    buy sth sight unseen etwas unbesehen kaufen
    6. Anblick m:
    you’re sight for sore eyes umg
    a) schön, dich wieder mal zu sehen
    b) dich gibt’s ja auch noch!;
    be ( oder look) a sight umg verboten oder zum Abschießen aussehen;
    I did look a sight umg ich sah vielleicht aus;
    what a sight you are! umg wie siehst du denn aus!; god 1
    7. Sehenswürdigkeit f:
    his roses were a sight to see seine Rosen waren eine Sehenswürdigkeit;
    see the sights of a town die Sehenswürdigkeiten einer Stadt besichtigen
    8. umg Menge f, Masse f, Haufen m (Geld etc):
    a long sight better zehnmal besser;
    not by a long sight bei Weitem nicht
    9. ASTRON, JAGD, MIL, TECH Visier(einrichtung) n(f):
    take (a careful) sight (genau) (an)visieren oder zielen;
    have in one’s sights, have one’s sights set on im Visier haben (a. fig);
    lower one’s sights fig Abstriche machen, zurückstecken;
    raise one’s sights fig höhere Ziele anstreben;
    set one’s sights on sth fig etwas ins Auge fassen;
    set one’s sights a bit higher sich etwas höhere Ziele stecken; full sight
    B v/t
    1. sichten, erblicken
    2. MIL
    a) anvisieren ( auch ASTRON, SCHIFF)
    b) das Geschütz richten
    c) eine Waffe etc mit einem Visier versehen
    3. WIRTSCH einen Wechsel präsentieren
    C v/i zielen, visieren
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (faculty) Sehvermögen, das

    by sightmit dem Gesichtssinn od. den Augen

    know somebody by sight — jemanden vom Sehen kennen; see also long sight; short sight

    2) (act of seeing) Anblick, der

    at [the] sight of somebody/blood — bei jemandes Anblick/beim Anblick von Blut

    catch sight of somebody/something — (lit. or fig.) jemanden/etwas erblicken

    lose sight of somebody/something — (lit. or fig.) jemanden/etwas aus dem Auge od. den Augen verlieren

    shoot somebody at or on sight — jemanden gleich [bei seinem Erscheinen] erschießen

    3) (spectacle) Anblick, der

    be a sorry sighteinen traurigen Anblick od. ein trauriges Bild bieten

    it is a sight to see or to behold or worth seeing — das muss man gesehen haben

    be/look a [real] sight — (coll.) (amusing) [vollkommen] unmöglich aussehen (ugs.); (horrible) böse od. schlimm aussehen

    4) in pl. (noteworthy features) Sehenswürdigkeiten Pl.

    see the sightssich (Dat.) die Sehenswürdigkeiten ansehen

    5) (range) Sichtweite, die

    in sight(lit. or fig.) in Sicht

    keep somebody/something in sight — (lit. or fig.) jemanden/etwas im Auge behalten

    within or in sight of somebody/something — (able to see) in jemandes Sichtweite (Dat.) /in Sichtweite einer Sache

    be out of sight — außer Sicht sein; (coll.): (be excellent) wahnsinnig sein (ugs.)

    keep or stay out of [somebody's] sight — sich [von jemandem] nicht sehen lassen

    keep somebody/something out of sight — jemanden/etwas niemanden sehen lassen

    keep something/somebody out of somebody's sight — jemanden etwas/jemanden nicht sehen lassen

    not let somebody/something out of one's sight — jemanden/etwas nicht aus den Augen lassen

    out of sight, out of mind — (prov.) aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn

    6) (device for aiming) Visier, das

    sights — Visiervorrichtung, die

    set/have [set] one's sights on something — (fig.) etwas anpeilen

    set one's sights [too] high — (fig.) seine Ziele [zu] hoch stecken

    lower/raise one's sights — (fig.) zurückstecken/sich (Dat.) ein höheres Ziel setzen

    2. transitive verb
    sichten [Land, Schiff, Flugzeug, Wrack]; sehen [Entflohenen, Vermissten]; antreffen [seltenes Tier, seltene Pflanze]
    * * *
    Anblick -e m.
    Sehkraft -¨e f.
    Sehvermögen n. v.
    sichten v.

    English-german dictionary > sight

  • 4 Н-91

    НЕТ КАК НЕТ кого-чего coll VP subj / gen: human, concr, or abstr pres only may be used in past, present, and future contexts fixed WO
    s.o. or sth. is already gone or has not appeared yet: X-a нет как нет - X is nowhere to be found
    X is nowhere in sight there's no sign of X (of a person or thing that is gone only) there's no sign of X X has disappeared (vanished) (into thin air).
    Его кто-то отвлек, и он на секунду выпустил руку девочки. Оглянулся - а ее нет как нет. Somebody distracted him and he let go of the little girl's hand for a moment. When he turned around, she was nowhere in sight.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-91

  • 5 нет как нет

    [VP; subj/ gen: human, concr, or abstr; pres only; may be used in past, present, and future contexts; fixed WO]
    s.o. or sth. is already gone or has not appeared yet:
    - X-a нет как нет X is nowhere to be found;
    - [of a person or thing that is gone only] there's no sign of X;
    - X has disappeared (vanished) (into thin air).
         ♦ Его кто-то отвлек, и он на секунду выпустил руку девочки. Оглянулся - а ее нет как нет. Somebody distracted him and he let go of the little girl's hand for a moment. When he turned around, she was nowhere in sight.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нет как нет

  • 6 видно

    I вводн. сл. разг.
    ( по-видимому) evidently, obviously, apparently; it looks like (+ clause); ( вероятно) probably

    как ви́дно — apparently, evidently

    II предик. безл.

    несмотря́ на су́мерки бы́ло ещё хорошо́ ви́дно — although it was twilight one could still see quite well

    вам хорошо́ ви́дно? — do you have a good view?, can you see well?

    мне ничего́ не ви́дно — I can't see anything

    2) (рд.; о различимости, присутствии кого-л, чего-л) be visible, be in sight

    по́езда ещё не ви́дно — the train is not yet in sight

    что́-то тебя́ давно́ у нас не ви́дно — you haven't shown up here since long ago

    её почти́ не ви́дно на рабо́те — they don't see much of her in the office

    конца́ ещё не ви́дно — the end is nowhere in sight, the end is not yet in sight

    3) (ясно, понятно) one can see (that), it is obvious / evident / clear (that)

    всем бы́ло ви́дно, что — it was obvious / clear to everyone that

    как ви́дно (из) — as follows (from), as is obvious / evident / clear (from)

    как ви́дно из ска́занного — as the statement indicates

    4) (вн. по; о возможности определить по какому-л признаку) one can tell (d by)

    моряка́ ви́дно по похо́дке — one can tell a sailor by the way he walks

    по всему́ ви́дно, что — everything points to the fact that


    оно́ и ви́дно — it shows; one can tell that

    там ви́дно бу́дет — we'll see later; we'll think later about it

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > видно

  • 7 видно

    1. вводн. сл. разг. ( по-видимому) evidently, obviously, apparently; ( вероятно) probably

    как видно — apparently, evidently

    2. предик. безл. one can see; (перен.) it is obvious / evident / clear

    конца ещё не видно — the end is nowhere in sight, the end is not yet in sight

    всем было видно, что... — it was obvious / clear to everyone that...

    как видно (из) — as is obvious / evident / clear (from)

    по всему видно, что — everything points to the fact that...

    оно и видно — that's obvious, it is seen at a glance

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > видно

  • 8 конца (еще) не видно

    фраз. no end in sight
    the end is nowhere in sight
    the end is not yet in sight
    этому конца не видно

    Дополнительный универсальный русско-английский словарь > конца (еще) не видно

  • 9 конца (еще) не видно

    фраз. no end in sight
    the end is nowhere in sight
    the end is not yet in sight
    этому конца не видно

    Дополнительный универсальный русско-английский словарь > конца (еще) не видно

  • 10 нет

    I частица
    1) (при ответе) no нет еще
    2) (в начале реплики - с оттенком возражения, удивления) but нет, вы его не видели ≈ but you didn't see him
    3) not (не + данное сказуемое - при том же подлежащем) ;
    no (в безличном предложении после союза или тж.) ;
    not, n't разг. (при другом подлежащем) будет он там или нет? ≈ will he be there or not? я читал эту книгу, а он нет ≈ I have read this book, but he hasn't она была права, а он нет ≈ she was right, but he was not ∙ нет-нет да и... ≈ once in a while... сводить на нет что-л. сводиться на нет ни да ни нет никак нет II несовер.;
    наст. вр. от быть ;
    1) (не имеется) there is/are no у меня нет ≈ I have no(ne)
    2) (отсутствует - о местонахождении) его нет ≈ he is not there/here/in его нет как нет ≈ he is nowhere to be found, he is nowhere in sight
    partic. no, not

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > нет

  • 11 a ieşi pe ultimul loc

    to get nowhere
    to be nowhere in sight.

    Română-Engleză dicționar expresii > a ieşi pe ultimul loc

  • 12 a lua de unde nu-i

    to be nowhere to be found
    to be nowhere in sight.

    Română-Engleză dicționar expresii > a lua de unde nu-i

  • 13 нет

    I частица
    2) (в начале реплики - с оттенком возражения, удивления)

    нет, вы его не видели — but you didn't see him

    3) not (не + данное сказуемое - при том же подлежащем); ( в безличном предложении после союза или тж.) no; not, n't разг. ( при другом подлежащем)

    я читал эту книгу, а он нет — I have read this book, but he hasn't

    она была права, а он нет — she was right, but he was not


    нет-нет да и... — once in a while...

    - никак нет
    - сводиться на нет
    II предик.; (кого-л./чего-л.)
    there is/are no

    его нет — he is not there/here/in

    его нет как нет — he is nowhere to be found, he is nowhere in sight

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > нет

  • 14 no

    1 not.
    no sé I don't know
    no es fácil it's not easy, it isn't easy
    no tiene dinero he has no money, he hasn't got any money
    no veo nada I can't see anything
    todavía no not yet
    ¿has oído las noticias? — no have you heard the news? — no o no, I haven't
    ¿aprobó? — no did she pass? — no o no, she didn't
    ¿comen juntos? -- no siempre do they go for lunch together? -- not always
    no fumadores non-smokers
    2 no, not.
    no, nah, no way, nay.
    * * *
    1 ( nordoeste) northwest; (símbolo) NW
    * * *
    1) no, not
    2) non
    * * *
    = noroeste NW
    * * *
    (= noroeste) NW
    * * *
    = by no means, NOT, nay, no, not.
    Nota: Negación usada con verbos; para los nombres, véase no.
    Ex. However, UDC is by no means always applied to this degree of detail in libraries.
    Ex. The Boolean logic operator NOT excludes records containing a particular word.
    Ex. Said another timidly, nay, sheepishly: 'You can see we need help, can't you Mr. Bibeau?'.
    Ex. In either case, the patient keys in the responses, which may be as simple as 'yes' or 'no'.
    Ex. The Boolean logic operator not excludes records containing a particular word.
    * alfabeto no romano = non-Roman alphabet.
    * aún no nacido = unborn.
    * aunque no lo creas = believe it or not.
    * base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
    * catalogación no automatizada = non-computerised cataloguing.
    * con datos no pertinentes = dirty [dirtier -comp., dirtiest -sup.].
    * ¿de dónde si no...? = where else...?.
    * ¡Dios no lo quiera! = God forbid.
    * documento recuperado no pertinente = false drop.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees.
    * el último pero no el menos importante = the last but by no means least.
    * encabezamiento no admitido = non-approved heading.
    * encabezamiento no específico = non-specific heading.
    * esto no quiere decir que = this is not to say that.
    * evaluación no intrusiva = unobtrusive evaluation.
    * información no codificada = non-coded information.
    * lo creas o no = believe it or not.
    * material no devuelto = non-return.
    * material no impreso = non-print [nonprint], non-print media.
    * modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.
    * ¿no? = do you?, do you?.
    * no {predisponer} en contra = stay on + the right side of.
    * no abandonar = stick with, stand by.
    * no abrasivo = non-abrasive.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no académico = non-academic.
    * no acentuado = unaccented.
    * no aceptar = disavow.
    * no aceptarse = go by + the board.
    * no aceptar un no por respuesta = not take + no for an answer.
    * no acercarse a = steer + clear of, stay away from, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.
    * no acercarse a Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no ácido = acid-free.
    * no acostumbrado a = unfamiliar with.
    * no actual = non-current.
    * no actuando en capacidad de autor = non-authorial.
    * no actuar como se debe = be remiss.
    * no actuar correctamente = be remiss.
    * no actuar debidamente = be remiss.
    * no acudir = stay away.
    * no acuoso = non-aqueous.
    * no admitir discusión = be out of the question.
    * no adosado = detached.
    * no afectado = unaffected.
    * no afectar = be immune against, leave + unaffected.
    * no afiliado = unaffiliated.
    * no afín = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no agobiarse = take + Posesivo + time.
    * no agravante = non-exacerbating.
    * no agrupado = unclustered.
    * no aguantar más = have had enough.
    * no aguantar ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no alcanzar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no alergénico = non-allergenic.
    * no alfabetizado = non-literate.
    * no amante de la literatura = non-literary.
    * no americano = non-US, un-American.
    * no amortizable = irredeemable.
    * no analizado = unexamined.
    * no anclado = unanchored.
    * no andar con reparos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar con tapujos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar en nada bueno = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.
    * no andarse con rodeos = call + a spade a spade.
    * no antes de = no sooner than.
    * no añorar el pasado = never + look back.
    * no aparecer = be not included.
    * no apartarse del buen camino = keep on + the right track.
    * no aprovechar Algo lo suficiente = under-exploit [underexploit].
    * no aprovechar el potencial = fall (far) short of + potential, fall (far) behind + potential.
    * no apto para menores = X-rated.
    * no arrepentirse = not look back, never + look back.
    * no arriesgarse = play it + safe.
    * no asignado = unallocated, unassigned.
    * no asistencia = non-attendance.
    * no asistente = non-attender [nonattender].
    * no asistir = stay away.
    * no atendido = unsatisfied.
    * no atreverse a = flinch at/from, have + no stomach for.
    * no atreverse a tratar = fear to + tread.
    * no auténtico = unauthentic.
    * no autorizado = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unapproved.
    * no avanzar = tread + water.
    * no avanzar más = go + no further.
    * no bajarse del burro = stick to + Posesivo + guns.
    * no bastar = not be good enough.
    * no bibliográfico = non-book [nonbook], non-bibliographic, non-bibliographical.
    * no bibliotecario = non-librarian.
    * no británico = non-UK.
    * no buscarle las pulgas al perro = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no cabe ni un alfiler = no room to swing a cat.
    * no caber en sí de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * no cambiar = keep + it up, keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work, stand + pat.
    * no canjeable = irredeemable.
    * no cantante = nonsinger.
    * no cantes victoria antes de tiempo = don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
    * no captar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no ceder = stand + Posesivo + ground, put + Posesivo + foot down.
    * no ceder a las presiones = withstand + pressure.
    * no ceder terreno = stand + Posesivo + ground.
    * no centrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no científico = unscientific.
    * no cobrado = uncollected.
    * no codificado = non-coded.
    * no coercitivo = non-coercive.
    * no coger Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no coger por sorpresa = come as + no surprise.
    * no coincidente = ill matched.
    * no colar = Negativo + hold + water.
    * no comentado = unannotated.
    * no comercial = non-profit making, non-commercial [noncommercial].
    * no compatible = non-compatible.
    * no compensatorio = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].
    * no comprender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no comprobado = untested.
    * no comprometido = uncommitted.
    * no concebirse desde ningún punto de vista = be impossible under any hypothesis.
    * no concentrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no concentrar el esfuerzo = spread + Nombre + thinly.
    * no concordar con = be at odds with.
    * no conducir a nada = be exercises in + futility.
    * no conductual = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no confirmado = unsubstantiated.
    * no conformarse con un no = not take + no for an answer.
    * no conmovedor = unmoving.
    * no conocer a Alguien de nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conocer a Alguien para nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conseguir nada = achieve + nothing.
    * no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra = fall (between/through) + the cracks.
    * no considerarse parte de = hold + Reflexivo + apart from.
    * no consumible = nonconsumptive.
    * no consumidor = nonconsumptive.
    * no contagioso = non-contagious.
    * no contaminado = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * no contar = be out of the picture.
    * no contar con = leave + Nombre + out of the picture, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * no contar con la aprobación = frown on/upon.
    * no contencioso = non-contentious.
    * no convencional = non-conventional.
    * no convexo = nonconvex [non-convex].
    * no corregido = uncorrected.
    * no correlativo = non-consecutive.
    * no correr prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no corroborado = unsubstantiated.
    * no creerse Algo al pie de la letra = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no crítico = non-critical.
    * no cualificado = unskilled.
    * no cuestionarse la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspend + disbelief.
    * no cumplido = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no cumplir = fall + short of, welsh on.
    * no cumplir con el plazo de publicación = miss + publication deadline.
    * no cumplir con + Posesivo + deber = be remiss.
    * no cumplir las expectativas = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo esperado = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo prometido = fall + short of + Posesivo + promise.
    * no cumplir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.
    * no cumplir un objetivo = fall + short of goal.
    * no cumplir unos criterios = fall (far) short of + criteria.
    * no cumplir unos requisitos = fall + short of requirements.
    * no cursar una asignatura = skip + grades.
    * no dar crédito a = disbelief.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + oídos = not believe + Posesivo + ears.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + ojos = not believe + Posesivo + eyes.
    * no dar fruto = come to + nothing.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a Algo = think + little of.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no darle importancia a = think + very little about/of.
    * no dar más de sí = stretch + Nombre + to the limit, overstretch.
    * no dar ningún resultado = give + zero results, be of no avail, be to no avail.
    * no darse cuenta de = sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.
    * no darse de cuenta de = be blind to.
    * no darse por vencido fácilmente = not take + no for an answer.
    * no dar una impresión clara = send + mixed signals.
    * no debemos + Infinitivo = let us not + Infinitivo.
    * no deber nada = pay + Posesivo + dues.
    * no + deber + sorprender que = it + be + not surprising that.
    * no debes juzgar un libro por el color de sus pastas = don't judge a book by its cover, don't judge a book by its cover.
    * no debidamente reconocido = unsung.
    * no decir a Alguien lo que está ocurriendo = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * no decir nada = keep + quiet.
    * no decir nada a nadie = lips + seal.
    * no decir nada nuevo = much ado about nothing.
    * no decir palabrotas = watch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * no de comportamiento = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no de conducta = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no decreciente = non-decreasing.
    * no dedicado a la investigación = non-research.
    * no definido = unstated.
    * no definirse = sit on + the fence.
    * no dejar a nadie fuera = inclusivity.
    * no dejar de enviar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar de mandar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar duda = leave + little doubt.
    * no dejar entrar = turn + Nombre + away, keep out.
    * no dejar ninguna duda = leave + no doubt.
    * no dejar ni un cabo suelto = tie up + all the loose ends.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no dejar títere con cabeza = turn + everything upside down.
    * no deliberado = unintentional.
    * no del todo maduro = underripe.
    * no democrático = undemocratic.
    * no desanimarse = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no descansar en + Posesivo + tumba = spin + in + Posesivo + grave.
    * no descriptor = non-descriptor.
    * no deseado = unwanted, undesired, uninvited.
    * no desfallecer = keep up.
    * no desgastarse fácilmente = wear + well.
    * no desglosable = unbreakable.
    * no desmerecer = compare + favourably.
    * no destructivo = non-destructive.
    * no desvelar + Posesivo + identidad = protect + Posesivo + identity.
    * no determinista = nondeterministic [non-deterministic].
    * no devolverse = be non-refundable.
    * no diferenciador = nondistinctive.
    * no diferenciarse de = be nothing short of.
    * no digno de confianza = untrustworthy.
    * no discapacitado = able-bodied.
    * no disciplinario = impunitive.
    * no discriminatorio con respecto al sexo = gender neutral.
    * no disponible = not applicable [N/A].
    * no disponible para el préstamo = not-loanable.
    * no dispuesto = unprepared.
    * no distinguir entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
    * no distintivo = nondistinctive.
    * no distribuido = undelivered, undelivered.
    * no docente = non-teaching.
    * no económico = non-economic [noneconomic].
    * no educativo = non-teaching, non-educational.
    * no efímero = non-volatile [nonvolatile].
    * no eléctrico = nonelectrical [non-electrical].
    * no encontrar nada + Adjetivo = find far from + Adjetivo.
    * no encontrar ni el pie ni la cabeza = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no encontrar palabras = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * no en inglés = non-English.
    * no entender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no entender Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no entender lo esencial = miss + the point.
    * no entender ni una papa de = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no entendido por la materia = outsider.
    * no entregado = undelivered.
    * no envío = non-shipment.
    * no epiléptico = non-epileptic.
    * no es asombroso que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no escatimar = unstinting.
    * no escatimar dinero = lavish + money.
    * no escatimar gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no escrito = unwritten.
    * no es de extrañar que = no wonder that, small wonder that.
    * no es de sorprender que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no esencial = non-essential [nonessential].
    * no es lo mismo en el caso de = the same is not true (for/of/with).
    * no especialista = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no especializado = broader-based.
    * no especificar = leave + undefined.
    * no está claro todavía = the jury is still out (on).
    * no esta disponible = be down.
    * no estándar = non-standard [nonstandard].
    * no estar + Adjetivo + en absoluto = be far from + Adjetivo.
    * no estar a la altura de las expectativas = fall below + expectations.
    * no estar a la altura de lo que se espera = fall below + expectations, be below par, be under par.
    * no estar al tanto de = be out of touch with.
    * no estar bien equilibrado = skew.
    * no estar contento = be unhappy.
    * no estar convencido = be dubious.
    * no estar coordinado con = be out of step with.
    * no estar de acuerdo = be at variance, disagree, beg to differ.
    * no estar de acuerdo (con) = disapprove (of).
    * no estar de acuerdo con la idea de = disapprove of + the idea of.
    * no estar de suerte = be out of luck.
    * no estar deteriorado = unimpaired.
    * no estar disponible = be unavailable.
    * no estar dispuesto a = be unwilling to, be negatively disposed to.
    * no estar documentado = be undocumented.
    * no estar en condiciones de = be unfit for.
    * no estar en el mejor momento de Uno = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en funcionamiento = be down.
    * no estar en plenitud de facultades = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en + Posesivo + cabales = insane.
    * no estar en sintonía con = be out of step with.
    * no estar expuesto al público = be out of the public eye.
    * no estar familiarizado con = be unfamiliar with.
    * no estar finalizado (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + completeness.
    * no estar incluido = be not included.
    * no estar muy católico = feel + bad.
    * no estar muy lejos de = be just one step away from.
    * no estar nada + Adjetivo = be anything but + Adjetivo.
    * no estar nunca satisfecho = enough + be + not/never + enough.
    * no estar presente en = be absent (from).
    * no estar relacionado con = be unrelated to.
    * no estar seguro = be uncertain.
    * no estar seguro de = be unsure about/of.
    * no estar utilizable = be down.
    * no es una ciencia exacta = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no es un misterio = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no exacerbado = non-exacerbating.
    * no examinado = unexamined.
    * no exclusivo = non-exclusive.
    * no excluyente = inclusive, socially-inclusive.
    * no existe = not applicable [N/A].
    * no existir = be out of the picture.
    * no existir como tal = there + be + no such thing as, there + be + no such thing as.
    * no existir límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no existir muchos indicios de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no existir ningún indicio de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no experto = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no explorado = unexplored.
    * no explosivo = non-explosive.
    * no expresado = unspoken, unstated.
    * no expuesto a la luz = unexposed.
    * no falla = reliable.
    * no faltar el respeto = be civil towards.
    * no familiarizado con = unfamiliar with.
    * no ferroso = non-ferrous [nonferrous].
    * no fibroso = non-fibrous.
    * no figurar = be not included.
    * no fijado = non-net.
    * no fructificar = come to + nothing.
    * no fumador = non-smoker, non-smoking.
    * no funcionar = be out of order.
    * no funcionario = untenured, non-tenured.
    * no + Futuro = won't [will not].
    * no ganado = unearned.
    * no guardar relación con = be incommensurate with.
    * no gubernamental = non-government, non-governmental [nongovernmental].
    * no gustar = have + a dislike for, dislike, be uncomfortable + Gerundio, be uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable + Gerundio.
    * no haber = be unavailable.
    * no haber consecuencias = nothing + come of.
    * no + haber + dos + Nombre que = no two + Nombre.
    * no haber duda de que = there + be + no doubt that.
    * no haber duda (que) = there + be + no question (that).
    * no haber forma de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber indicios de que = there + be + no indication that.
    * no haber límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no haber llegado todavía = be yet to come.
    * no haber manera de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.
    * no haber muchas señales de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no + haber + nada como = there + be + nothing like.
    * no haber nada de verdad en = there + be + any/no truth to.
    * no + haber + nada malo en = there + be + nothing wrong in/with.
    * no haber palabras para describirlo = beggar + description.
    * no haber pero que valer = not take + no for an answer.
    * no haber prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no haber problemas = be fine.
    * no haber señal de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no habiendo = in the absence of.
    * no hace falta decir que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no hace mucho = in the recent past.
    * no hace mucho tiempo = not so long ago.
    * no hacer Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no hacer Algo por cobardía = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer Algo por miedo = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer caso = brush aside.
    * no hacer caso a = turn + Posesivo + back on.
    * no hacer caso de = slight.
    * no hacer los deberes = be asleep at the wheel.
    * no hacer más que = do + no more than.
    * no hacer nada = vegetate, veg out.
    * no hacer nada al respecto = leave + unchecked.
    * no hacer nada de particular = do + nothing in particular.
    * no hacer ninguna gracia = not take + kindly to.
    * no hacer ningún cambio = stand + pat.
    * no hacer otra cosa que = do + nothing but.
    * no hacer sino = do + no more than.
    * no hay = there ain't [there aren't/isn't].
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no hay duda de que = undoubtedly.
    * no hay escapatoria = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay forma de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay límite(s) = the sky is the limit.
    * no hay mal que por bien no venga = every cloud has a silver lining, be a blessing in disguise, to every cloud, there is a silver lining.
    * no hay manera de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay más remedio = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay modo de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay nada como = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada imposible = all bets are off.
    * no hay nada mejor que = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada oculto = what you see is what you get.
    * no hay + Nombre + que sean = no + Nombre + be.
    * no higroscópico = non-hygroscopic.
    * no hindú = non-Hindu.
    * no homosexual = straight man.
    * no humano = non-human [nonhuman].
    * no hurgar en la herida = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no idéntico = non-identical.
    * no identificado = unnamed.
    * no idoneidad = unsuitability.
    * no impacientarse con = bear with + Pronombre.
    * no importa = never mind, regardless of, whatever.
    * no importa + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que seaAdjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * no importa cómo = no matter how.
    * no importa lo + Adjetivo + que + Subjuntivo = no matter how + Adjetivo.
    * no importa lo bien = no matter how well.
    * No importa lo que se conoce, sino a quién se conoce = It's not what you know, but who you know.
    * no importa qué = whatever.
    * no importar = be all right with + Persona, make + no difference, cope with.
    * no importar Algo a Alguien = think + little of.
    * no importar en absoluto = have + no qualms about.
    * no importar + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no importar lo más mínimo = could not care less.
    * no importar lo que + pensar de = whatever + Pronombre + make of.
    * no importar nada = not give a damn, not give a shit, not give a fuck.
    * no importa si... o = no matter whether... or.
    * no impreso = unprinted.
    * no incluido = unlisted.
    * no incluye = exclusive of.
    * no indicado = unstated.
    * no + Indicativo = fail to + Infinitivo.
    * no + Infinitivo = failure to + Infinitivo.
    * no infringir las leyes = stay on + the right side of the law, keep on + the right side of the law.
    * no ingresado = unearned.
    * no inmiscuirse en = remain + uninvolved in, stay away from.
    * no inmutarse = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash, keep + a stiff upper lip.
    * no inscripción = non-registration.
    * no intencional = non-intentional.
    * no interactivo = non-interactive.
    * no interesar = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no intervencionista = hands-off, isolationist.
    * no intrusivo = nonobtrusive.
    * no invasivo = noninvasive [non-invasive].
    * no invitado = uninvited.
    * no invitados, los = uninvited, the.
    * no involucrado = uninvolved.
    * no jerárquico = non-hierarchical.
    * no lector = non-reader [nonreader].
    * no letal = non-lethal.
    * no levantarse hasta tarde = have + a lie-in.
    * no librario = non-book [nonbook].
    * no lineal = nonlinear [non-linear].
    * no linealidad = nonlinearity [no-linearity].
    * no listo = unready.
    * no literario = unliterary, non-literary.
    * no llegar a = stop + short of, fall + short of.
    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * no llegar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no llegar a un ideal = fall + short of ideal.
    * no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing, go + nowhere.
    * no llevar a ningún fin = beat + a dead horse, flog + a dead horse, fart + in the wind.
    * no llevar a ningún sitio = go + nowhere.
    * no lo bastante lejos = not far enough.
    * no lo dudes = take it from me.
    * no lucrativo = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * no manifiesto = undeclared.
    * no MARC = non-MARC.
    * no más que = in any more than.
    * no materializarse = fall through.
    * Nombre + no tardará mucho en = it won't be long before + Nombre.
    * Nombre + no tardó mucho en = it wasn't long before + Nombre.
    * no médico = non-clinical.
    * no merecer la pena = be no good.
    * no merecerse Algo = be unworthy of.
    * no meterse en líos = keep out of + trouble.
    * no meterse en problemas = keep out of + trouble.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no miembro = non-member [nonmember].
    * no militar = nonmilitary.
    * no monográfico = non-monographic.
    * no morderse la lengua = call + a spade a spade.
    * no moverse = stay + put.
    * no mucho después = not long after.
    * no musical = non-musical.
    * no muy acertado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy apropiado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy bien informado = not-too-well-informed.
    * no muy despierto = slow.
    * no muy lejos = within easy travelling distance, not far behind, not far off, not far away, not far, not too far.
    * no muy listos, los = none-too-bright, the.
    * no nacido = unborn.
    * no necesitar mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * no nombrado = unnamed.
    * no nórdico = non-Nordic.
    * no obstaculizar = be out of the way of.
    * no obstante = albeit (that), however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, yet, notwithstanding, none the less, though, that being said, all this said, when all is said and done.
    * no occidental = non-Western.
    * no ocultar las preferencias de Uno sobre Algo = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no oficial = non-government.
    * no olvidar = bear in + mind, be aware of.
    * no ordenado = unsorted.
    * no orgánico = non-organic.
    * no parar mucho en un sitio = live out of + a suitcase.
    * no parecer que = there + be + no sign of, there + be + little sign of.
    * no parecerse en nada a = be nothing like.
    * no parecerse ni por asomo = different as night and day.
    * no parecer Uno Mismo = be out of character.
    * no participar = be out of the picture.
    * no participar en = be uninvolved in, remain + uninvolved in.
    * no partidista = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * no patentado = non-proprietary.
    * no pegar ni con cola = stick out like + a sore thumb.
    * no pensar en otra cosa que = be wrapped up in.
    * no pensar más en Algo = dismiss from + Posesivo + mind.
    * no pensar más que en = be wrapped up in.
    * no percatarse de = be blind to.
    * no percatarse de la importancia de Algo = have + no feeling for.
    * no perder de vista = keep + an eye on, keep + a beady eye on, keep in + sight.
    * no perder el ánimo = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no perder el control = stay on top of, stay on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * no perder el trabajo = stay in + work.
    * no perder la cabeza = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perder la calma = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perderse = keep on + the right track.
    * no perderse en/por = find + Posesivo + way round/through.
    * no perderse mucho, no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perfumado = non-scented.
    * no periódico = non-periodical.
    * no permitir = disallow.
    * no pertenecer a = have + no place in.
    * no perteneciente a la Comunidad Europea = non-EC.
    * no perteneciente al juzgado = out-of-court.
    * no pestañear = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash.
    * no pillar Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no pillar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no planificado = unplanned.
    * no poder = be unable to, cannot, can't [cannot].
    * no poder aguantar a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder conciliar el sueño = have + trouble sleeping, have + trouble sleeping.
    * no poder darse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder dejar de mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = cannot + give + too much emphasis + to the importance of, the importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too strongly.
    * no poder dormir = sleeplessness.
    * no poder estarse quieto = have + the fidgets, fidget.
    * no poder evitar + Infinitivo = cannot help + Gerundio, cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder evitar mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder hacer más que = do + little more than.
    * no poder permitirse = ill afford.
    * no poder permitirse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder quitarse Algo de la cabeza = can't get it out of my mind.
    * no poderse buscar = be unsearchable.
    * no poderse negar que = there + be + no denying that.
    * no poder sino + Infinitivo = cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder ver a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no polémico = non-controversial [noncontroversial], non-contentious.
    * no poner en duda = be unquestioned.
    * ¡No, por lo que más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * no precipitarse = keep + a cool head, play it + cool.
    * no predisponer a Alguien en contra = keep on + the right side of.
    * no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdad = ask no questions and hear no lies.
    * no preocuparse que = rest + assured that.
    * no preparado = uninformed, unready, unprepared.
    * no presentado a examen = absent from exam.
    * no prestar atención = disregard, overlook, close + the door on, go + unheeded, fly in + the face of.
    * no prestar atención al hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * no prestar la suficiente atención = give + short shrift.
    * no pretender ser = make + no claim to.
    * no probado = untested.
    * no procesado = unprocessed.
    * no profesional = non-professional [nonprofessional].
    * no programador = non-programmer.
    * no prolongado = unsustained.
    * no pronunciado = undelivered.
    * no prosperar = fall by + the wayside.
    * no provocado = unprovoked.
    * no publicado = unpublished.
    * no público = non-public.
    * no pude evitar notar que = couldn't help but notice (that).
    * no puedo aguantarlo = can't take it.
    * no puedo comprender = I can't get over.
    * no puedo entender cómo = can't get over how.
    * no quebrar = stay in + business.
    * no quedarse ahí = there + be + more to it than that.
    * no querer saber más nada de = drop + Nombre + like a hot potato, drop + Nombre + like a hot brick.
    * no querer saber nada de = want + nothing to do with.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con Algo = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con = want + nothing to do with.
    * no racial = colour-blind.
    * no racista = race-neutral.
    * no realizado = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no recargado = uncluttered.
    * no reciclable = non-recyclable.
    * no recogido = uncollected.
    * no recompensado = unrewarded.
    * no reconocido = unacknowledged, unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * no recopilado = uncollected.
    * no redimido = unredeemed.
    * no reembolsable = non-repayable, non-refundable.
    * no registrado = unlisted, unaffiliated.
    * no reglamentado = unregulated.
    * no regulado = unregulated.
    * no relacionado = unrelated, nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relacionados entre sí = unrelated.
    * no relativo = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relevante = non-relevant.
    * no remunerado = unpaid, unsalaried, non-paying, unremunerated, non-remunerated.
    * no renovable = non-renewable.
    * no renovado = unrenewed.
    * no rentable = uneconomic, unprofitable.
    * no reparar en gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no repartido = undelivered.
    * no representativo = unrepresentative.
    * no restrictivo = non-restrictive.
    * no restringido = non-restrictive, unconfined.
    * no resuelto = unresolved.
    * no resultar fácil = not be easy.
    * no retirado = uncollected.
    * * *
    (= noroeste) NW
    * * *
    no {predisponer} en contra
    (v.) = stay on + the right side of

    Ex: Many of the stories told about fairies seem to be cautionary tales, showing that they can be very helpful, as long as you stay on the right side of them.

    = by no means, NOT, nay, no, not.
    Nota: Negación usada con verbos; para los nombres, véase no.

    Ex: However, UDC is by no means always applied to this degree of detail in libraries.

    Ex: The Boolean logic operator NOT excludes records containing a particular word.
    Ex: Said another timidly, nay, sheepishly: 'You can see we need help, can't you Mr. Bibeau?'.
    Ex: In either case, the patient keys in the responses, which may be as simple as 'yes' or 'no'.
    Ex: The Boolean logic operator not excludes records containing a particular word.
    * alfabeto no romano = non-Roman alphabet.
    * aún no nacido = unborn.
    * aunque no lo creas = believe it or not.
    * base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
    * catalogación no automatizada = non-computerised cataloguing.
    * con datos no pertinentes = dirty [dirtier -comp., dirtiest -sup.].
    * ¿de dónde si no...? = where else...?.
    * ¡Dios no lo quiera! = God forbid.
    * documento recuperado no pertinente = false drop.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees.
    * el último pero no el menos importante = the last but by no means least.
    * encabezamiento no admitido = non-approved heading.
    * encabezamiento no específico = non-specific heading.
    * esto no quiere decir que = this is not to say that.
    * evaluación no intrusiva = unobtrusive evaluation.
    * información no codificada = non-coded information.
    * lo creas o no = believe it or not.
    * material no devuelto = non-return.
    * material no impreso = non-print [nonprint], non-print media.
    * modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.
    * ¿no? = do you?, do you?.
    * no {predisponer} en contra = stay on + the right side of.
    * no abandonar = stick with, stand by.
    * no abrasivo = non-abrasive.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no académico = non-academic.
    * no acentuado = unaccented.
    * no aceptar = disavow.
    * no aceptarse = go by + the board.
    * no aceptar un no por respuesta = not take + no for an answer.
    * no acercarse a = steer + clear of, stay away from, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.
    * no acercarse a Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no ácido = acid-free.
    * no acostumbrado a = unfamiliar with.
    * no actual = non-current.
    * no actuando en capacidad de autor = non-authorial.
    * no actuar como se debe = be remiss.
    * no actuar correctamente = be remiss.
    * no actuar debidamente = be remiss.
    * no acudir = stay away.
    * no acuoso = non-aqueous.
    * no admitir discusión = be out of the question.
    * no adosado = detached.
    * no afectado = unaffected.
    * no afectar = be immune against, leave + unaffected.
    * no afiliado = unaffiliated.
    * no afín = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no agobiarse = take + Posesivo + time.
    * no agravante = non-exacerbating.
    * no agrupado = unclustered.
    * no aguantar más = have had enough.
    * no aguantar ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no alcanzar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no alergénico = non-allergenic.
    * no alfabetizado = non-literate.
    * no amante de la literatura = non-literary.
    * no americano = non-US, un-American.
    * no amortizable = irredeemable.
    * no analizado = unexamined.
    * no anclado = unanchored.
    * no andar con reparos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar con tapujos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar en nada bueno = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.
    * no andarse con rodeos = call + a spade a spade.
    * no antes de = no sooner than.
    * no añorar el pasado = never + look back.
    * no aparecer = be not included.
    * no apartarse del buen camino = keep on + the right track.
    * no aprovechar Algo lo suficiente = under-exploit [underexploit].
    * no aprovechar el potencial = fall (far) short of + potential, fall (far) behind + potential.
    * no apto para menores = X-rated.
    * no arrepentirse = not look back, never + look back.
    * no arriesgarse = play it + safe.
    * no asignado = unallocated, unassigned.
    * no asistencia = non-attendance.
    * no asistente = non-attender [nonattender].
    * no asistir = stay away.
    * no atendido = unsatisfied.
    * no atreverse a = flinch at/from, have + no stomach for.
    * no atreverse a tratar = fear to + tread.
    * no auténtico = unauthentic.
    * no autorizado = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unapproved.
    * no avanzar = tread + water.
    * no avanzar más = go + no further.
    * no bajarse del burro = stick to + Posesivo + guns.
    * no bastar = not be good enough.
    * no bibliográfico = non-book [nonbook], non-bibliographic, non-bibliographical.
    * no bibliotecario = non-librarian.
    * no británico = non-UK.
    * no buscarle las pulgas al perro = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no cabe ni un alfiler = no room to swing a cat.
    * no caber en sí de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * no cambiar = keep + it up, keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work, stand + pat.
    * no canjeable = irredeemable.
    * no cantante = nonsinger.
    * no cantes victoria antes de tiempo = don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
    * no captar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no ceder = stand + Posesivo + ground, put + Posesivo + foot down.
    * no ceder a las presiones = withstand + pressure.
    * no ceder terreno = stand + Posesivo + ground.
    * no centrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no científico = unscientific.
    * no cobrado = uncollected.
    * no codificado = non-coded.
    * no coercitivo = non-coercive.
    * no coger Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no coger por sorpresa = come as + no surprise.
    * no coincidente = ill matched.
    * no colar = Negativo + hold + water.
    * no comentado = unannotated.
    * no comercial = non-profit making, non-commercial [noncommercial].
    * no compatible = non-compatible.
    * no compensatorio = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].
    * no comprender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no comprobado = untested.
    * no comprometido = uncommitted.
    * no concebirse desde ningún punto de vista = be impossible under any hypothesis.
    * no concentrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no concentrar el esfuerzo = spread + Nombre + thinly.
    * no concordar con = be at odds with.
    * no conducir a nada = be exercises in + futility.
    * no conductual = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no confirmado = unsubstantiated.
    * no conformarse con un no = not take + no for an answer.
    * no conmovedor = unmoving.
    * no conocer a Alguien de nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conocer a Alguien para nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conseguir nada = achieve + nothing.
    * no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra = fall (between/through) + the cracks.
    * no considerarse parte de = hold + Reflexivo + apart from.
    * no consumible = nonconsumptive.
    * no consumidor = nonconsumptive.
    * no contagioso = non-contagious.
    * no contaminado = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * no contar = be out of the picture.
    * no contar con = leave + Nombre + out of the picture, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * no contar con la aprobación = frown on/upon.
    * no contencioso = non-contentious.
    * no convencional = non-conventional.
    * no convexo = nonconvex [non-convex].
    * no corregido = uncorrected.
    * no correlativo = non-consecutive.
    * no correr prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no corroborado = unsubstantiated.
    * no creerse Algo al pie de la letra = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no crítico = non-critical.
    * no cualificado = unskilled.
    * no cuestionarse la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspend + disbelief.
    * no cumplido = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no cumplir = fall + short of, welsh on.
    * no cumplir con el plazo de publicación = miss + publication deadline.
    * no cumplir con + Posesivo + deber = be remiss.
    * no cumplir las expectativas = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo esperado = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo prometido = fall + short of + Posesivo + promise.
    * no cumplir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.
    * no cumplir un objetivo = fall + short of goal.
    * no cumplir unos criterios = fall (far) short of + criteria.
    * no cumplir unos requisitos = fall + short of requirements.
    * no cursar una asignatura = skip + grades.
    * no dar crédito a = disbelief.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + oídos = not believe + Posesivo + ears.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + ojos = not believe + Posesivo + eyes.
    * no dar fruto = come to + nothing.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a Algo = think + little of.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no darle importancia a = think + very little about/of.
    * no dar más de sí = stretch + Nombre + to the limit, overstretch.
    * no dar ningún resultado = give + zero results, be of no avail, be to no avail.
    * no darse cuenta de = sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.
    * no darse de cuenta de = be blind to.
    * no darse por vencido fácilmente = not take + no for an answer.
    * no dar una impresión clara = send + mixed signals.
    * no debemos + Infinitivo = let us not + Infinitivo.
    * no deber nada = pay + Posesivo + dues.
    * no + deber + sorprender que = it + be + not surprising that.
    * no debes juzgar un libro por el color de sus pastas = don't judge a book by its cover, don't judge a book by its cover.
    * no debidamente reconocido = unsung.
    * no decir a Alguien lo que está ocurriendo = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * no decir nada = keep + quiet.
    * no decir nada a nadie = lips + seal.
    * no decir nada nuevo = much ado about nothing.
    * no decir palabrotas = watch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * no de comportamiento = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no de conducta = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no decreciente = non-decreasing.
    * no dedicado a la investigación = non-research.
    * no definido = unstated.
    * no definirse = sit on + the fence.
    * no dejar a nadie fuera = inclusivity.
    * no dejar de enviar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar de mandar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar duda = leave + little doubt.
    * no dejar entrar = turn + Nombre + away, keep out.
    * no dejar ninguna duda = leave + no doubt.
    * no dejar ni un cabo suelto = tie up + all the loose ends.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no dejar títere con cabeza = turn + everything upside down.
    * no deliberado = unintentional.
    * no del todo maduro = underripe.
    * no democrático = undemocratic.
    * no desanimarse = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no descansar en + Posesivo + tumba = spin + in + Posesivo + grave.
    * no descriptor = non-descriptor.
    * no deseado = unwanted, undesired, uninvited.
    * no desfallecer = keep up.
    * no desgastarse fácilmente = wear + well.
    * no desglosable = unbreakable.
    * no desmerecer = compare + favourably.
    * no destructivo = non-destructive.
    * no desvelar + Posesivo + identidad = protect + Posesivo + identity.
    * no determinista = nondeterministic [non-deterministic].
    * no devolverse = be non-refundable.
    * no diferenciador = nondistinctive.
    * no diferenciarse de = be nothing short of.
    * no digno de confianza = untrustworthy.
    * no discapacitado = able-bodied.
    * no disciplinario = impunitive.
    * no discriminatorio con respecto al sexo = gender neutral.
    * no disponible = not applicable [N/A].
    * no disponible para el préstamo = not-loanable.
    * no dispuesto = unprepared.
    * no distinguir entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
    * no distintivo = nondistinctive.
    * no distribuido = undelivered, undelivered.
    * no docente = non-teaching.
    * no económico = non-economic [noneconomic].
    * no educativo = non-teaching, non-educational.
    * no efímero = non-volatile [nonvolatile].
    * no eléctrico = nonelectrical [non-electrical].
    * no encontrar nada + Adjetivo = find far from + Adjetivo.
    * no encontrar ni el pie ni la cabeza = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no encontrar palabras = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * no en inglés = non-English.
    * no entender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no entender Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no entender lo esencial = miss + the point.
    * no entender ni una papa de = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no entendido por la materia = outsider.
    * no entregado = undelivered.
    * no envío = non-shipment.
    * no epiléptico = non-epileptic.
    * no es asombroso que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no escatimar = unstinting.
    * no escatimar dinero = lavish + money.
    * no escatimar gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no escrito = unwritten.
    * no es de extrañar que = no wonder that, small wonder that.
    * no es de sorprender que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no esencial = non-essential [nonessential].
    * no es lo mismo en el caso de = the same is not true (for/of/with).
    * no especialista = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no especializado = broader-based.
    * no especificar = leave + undefined.
    * no está claro todavía = the jury is still out (on).
    * no esta disponible = be down.
    * no estándar = non-standard [nonstandard].
    * no estar + Adjetivo + en absoluto = be far from + Adjetivo.
    * no estar a la altura de las expectativas = fall below + expectations.
    * no estar a la altura de lo que se espera = fall below + expectations, be below par, be under par.
    * no estar al tanto de = be out of touch with.
    * no estar bien equilibrado = skew.
    * no estar contento = be unhappy.
    * no estar convencido = be dubious.
    * no estar coordinado con = be out of step with.
    * no estar de acuerdo = be at variance, disagree, beg to differ.
    * no estar de acuerdo (con) = disapprove (of).
    * no estar de acuerdo con la idea de = disapprove of + the idea of.
    * no estar de suerte = be out of luck.
    * no estar deteriorado = unimpaired.
    * no estar disponible = be unavailable.
    * no estar dispuesto a = be unwilling to, be negatively disposed to.
    * no estar documentado = be undocumented.
    * no estar en condiciones de = be unfit for.
    * no estar en el mejor momento de Uno = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en funcionamiento = be down.
    * no estar en plenitud de facultades = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en + Posesivo + cabales = insane.
    * no estar en sintonía con = be out of step with.
    * no estar expuesto al público = be out of the public eye.
    * no estar familiarizado con = be unfamiliar with.
    * no estar finalizado (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + completeness.
    * no estar incluido = be not included.
    * no estar muy católico = feel + bad.
    * no estar muy lejos de = be just one step away from.
    * no estar nada + Adjetivo = be anything but + Adjetivo.
    * no estar nunca satisfecho = enough + be + not/never + enough.
    * no estar presente en = be absent (from).
    * no estar relacionado con = be unrelated to.
    * no estar seguro = be uncertain.
    * no estar seguro de = be unsure about/of.
    * no estar utilizable = be down.
    * no es una ciencia exacta = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no es un misterio = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no exacerbado = non-exacerbating.
    * no examinado = unexamined.
    * no exclusivo = non-exclusive.
    * no excluyente = inclusive, socially-inclusive.
    * no existe = not applicable [N/A].
    * no existir = be out of the picture.
    * no existir como tal = there + be + no such thing as, there + be + no such thing as.
    * no existir límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no existir muchos indicios de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no existir ningún indicio de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no experto = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no explorado = unexplored.
    * no explosivo = non-explosive.
    * no expresado = unspoken, unstated.
    * no expuesto a la luz = unexposed.
    * no falla = reliable.
    * no faltar el respeto = be civil towards.
    * no familiarizado con = unfamiliar with.
    * no ferroso = non-ferrous [nonferrous].
    * no fibroso = non-fibrous.
    * no figurar = be not included.
    * no fijado = non-net.
    * no fructificar = come to + nothing.
    * no fumador = non-smoker, non-smoking.
    * no funcionar = be out of order.
    * no funcionario = untenured, non-tenured.
    * no + Futuro = won't [will not].
    * no ganado = unearned.
    * no guardar relación con = be incommensurate with.
    * no gubernamental = non-government, non-governmental [nongovernmental].
    * no gustar = have + a dislike for, dislike, be uncomfortable + Gerundio, be uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable + Gerundio.
    * no haber = be unavailable.
    * no haber consecuencias = nothing + come of.
    * no + haber + dos + Nombre que = no two + Nombre.
    * no haber duda de que = there + be + no doubt that.
    * no haber duda (que) = there + be + no question (that).
    * no haber forma de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber indicios de que = there + be + no indication that.
    * no haber límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no haber llegado todavía = be yet to come.
    * no haber manera de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.
    * no haber muchas señales de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no + haber + nada como = there + be + nothing like.
    * no haber nada de verdad en = there + be + any/no truth to.
    * no + haber + nada malo en = there + be + nothing wrong in/with.
    * no haber palabras para describirlo = beggar + description.
    * no haber pero que valer = not take + no for an answer.
    * no haber prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no haber problemas = be fine.
    * no haber señal de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no habiendo = in the absence of.
    * no hace falta decir que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no hace mucho = in the recent past.
    * no hace mucho tiempo = not so long ago.
    * no hacer Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no hacer Algo por cobardía = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer Algo por miedo = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer caso = brush aside.
    * no hacer caso a = turn + Posesivo + back on.
    * no hacer caso de = slight.
    * no hacer los deberes = be asleep at the wheel.
    * no hacer más que = do + no more than.
    * no hacer nada = vegetate, veg out.
    * no hacer nada al respecto = leave + unchecked.
    * no hacer nada de particular = do + nothing in particular.
    * no hacer ninguna gracia = not take + kindly to.
    * no hacer ningún cambio = stand + pat.
    * no hacer otra cosa que = do + nothing but.
    * no hacer sino = do + no more than.
    * no hay = there ain't [there aren't/isn't].
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no hay duda de que = undoubtedly.
    * no hay escapatoria = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay forma de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay límite(s) = the sky is the limit.
    * no hay mal que por bien no venga = every cloud has a silver lining, be a blessing in disguise, to every cloud, there is a silver lining.
    * no hay manera de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay más remedio = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay modo de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay nada como = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada imposible = all bets are off.
    * no hay nada mejor que = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada oculto = what you see is what you get.
    * no hay + Nombre + que sean = no + Nombre + be.
    * no higroscópico = non-hygroscopic.
    * no hindú = non-Hindu.
    * no homosexual = straight man.
    * no humano = non-human [nonhuman].
    * no hurgar en la herida = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no idéntico = non-identical.
    * no identificado = unnamed.
    * no idoneidad = unsuitability.
    * no impacientarse con = bear with + Pronombre.
    * no importa = never mind, regardless of, whatever.
    * no importa + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que seaAdjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * no importa cómo = no matter how.
    * no importa lo + Adjetivo + que + Subjuntivo = no matter how + Adjetivo.
    * no importa lo bien = no matter how well.
    * No importa lo que se conoce, sino a quién se conoce = It's not what you know, but who you know.
    * no importa qué = whatever.
    * no importar = be all right with + Persona, make + no difference, cope with.
    * no importar Algo a Alguien = think + little of.
    * no importar en absoluto = have + no qualms about.
    * no importar + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no importar lo más mínimo = could not care less.
    * no importar lo que + pensar de = whatever + Pronombre + make of.
    * no importar nada = not give a damn, not give a shit, not give a fuck.
    * no importa si... o = no matter whether... or.
    * no impreso = unprinted.
    * no incluido = unlisted.
    * no incluye = exclusive of.
    * no indicado = unstated.
    * no + Indicativo = fail to + Infinitivo.
    * no + Infinitivo = failure to + Infinitivo.
    * no infringir las leyes = stay on + the right side of the law, keep on + the right side of the law.
    * no ingresado = unearned.
    * no inmiscuirse en = remain + uninvolved in, stay away from.
    * no inmutarse = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash, keep + a stiff upper lip.
    * no inscripción = non-registration.
    * no intencional = non-intentional.
    * no interactivo = non-interactive.
    * no interesar = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no intervencionista = hands-off, isolationist.
    * no intrusivo = nonobtrusive.
    * no invasivo = noninvasive [non-invasive].
    * no invitado = uninvited.
    * no invitados, los = uninvited, the.
    * no involucrado = uninvolved.
    * no jerárquico = non-hierarchical.
    * no lector = non-reader [nonreader].
    * no letal = non-lethal.
    * no levantarse hasta tarde = have + a lie-in.
    * no librario = non-book [nonbook].
    * no lineal = nonlinear [non-linear].
    * no linealidad = nonlinearity [no-linearity].
    * no listo = unready.
    * no literario = unliterary, non-literary.
    * no llegar a = stop + short of, fall + short of.
    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * no llegar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no llegar a un ideal = fall + short of ideal.
    * no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing, go + nowhere.
    * no llevar a ningún fin = beat + a dead horse, flog + a dead horse, fart + in the wind.
    * no llevar a ningún sitio = go + nowhere.
    * no lo bastante lejos = not far enough.
    * no lo dudes = take it from me.
    * no lucrativo = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * no manifiesto = undeclared.
    * no MARC = non-MARC.
    * no más que = in any more than.
    * no materializarse = fall through.
    * Nombre + no tardará mucho en = it won't be long before + Nombre.
    * Nombre + no tardó mucho en = it wasn't long before + Nombre.
    * no médico = non-clinical.
    * no merecer la pena = be no good.
    * no merecerse Algo = be unworthy of.
    * no meterse en líos = keep out of + trouble.
    * no meterse en problemas = keep out of + trouble.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no miembro = non-member [nonmember].
    * no militar = nonmilitary.
    * no monográfico = non-monographic.
    * no morderse la lengua = call + a spade a spade.
    * no moverse = stay + put.
    * no mucho después = not long after.
    * no musical = non-musical.
    * no muy acertado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy apropiado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy bien informado = not-too-well-informed.
    * no muy despierto = slow.
    * no muy lejos = within easy travelling distance, not far behind, not far off, not far away, not far, not too far.
    * no muy listos, los = none-too-bright, the.
    * no nacido = unborn.
    * no necesitar mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * no nombrado = unnamed.
    * no nórdico = non-Nordic.
    * no obstaculizar = be out of the way of.
    * no obstante = albeit (that), however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, yet, notwithstanding, none the less, though, that being said, all this said, when all is said and done.
    * no occidental = non-Western.
    * no ocultar las preferencias de Uno sobre Algo = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no oficial = non-government.
    * no olvidar = bear in + mind, be aware of.
    * no ordenado = unsorted.
    * no orgánico = non-organic.
    * no parar mucho en un sitio = live out of + a suitcase.
    * no parecer que = there + be + no sign of, there + be + little sign of.
    * no parecerse en nada a = be nothing like.
    * no parecerse ni por asomo = different as night and day.
    * no parecer Uno Mismo = be out of character.
    * no participar = be out of the picture.
    * no participar en = be uninvolved in, remain + uninvolved in.
    * no partidista = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * no patentado = non-proprietary.
    * no pegar ni con cola = stick out like + a sore thumb.
    * no pensar en otra cosa que = be wrapped up in.
    * no pensar más en Algo = dismiss from + Posesivo + mind.
    * no pensar más que en = be wrapped up in.
    * no percatarse de = be blind to.
    * no percatarse de la importancia de Algo = have + no feeling for.
    * no perder de vista = keep + an eye on, keep + a beady eye on, keep in + sight.
    * no perder el ánimo = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no perder el control = stay on top of, stay on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * no perder el trabajo = stay in + work.
    * no perder la cabeza = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perder la calma = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perderse = keep on + the right track.
    * no perderse en/por = find + Posesivo + way round/through.
    * no perderse mucho, no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perfumado = non-scented.
    * no periódico = non-periodical.
    * no permitir = disallow.
    * no pertenecer a = have + no place in.
    * no perteneciente a la Comunidad Europea = non-EC.
    * no perteneciente al juzgado = out-of-court.
    * no pestañear = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash.
    * no pillar Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no pillar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no planificado = unplanned.
    * no poder = be unable to, cannot, can't [cannot].
    * no poder aguantar a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder conciliar el sueño = have + trouble sleeping, have + trouble sleeping.
    * no poder darse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder dejar de mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = cannot + give + too much emphasis + to the importance of, the importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too strongly.
    * no poder dormir = sleeplessness.
    * no poder estarse quieto = have + the fidgets, fidget.
    * no poder evitar + Infinitivo = cannot help + Gerundio, cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder evitar mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder hacer más que = do + little more than.
    * no poder permitirse = ill afford.
    * no poder permitirse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder quitarse Algo de la cabeza = can't get it out of my mind.
    * no poderse buscar = be unsearchable.
    * no poderse negar que = there + be + no denying that.
    * no poder sino + Infinitivo = cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder ver a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no polémico = non-controversial [noncontroversial], non-contentious.
    * no poner en duda = be unquestioned.
    * ¡No, por lo que más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * no precipitarse = keep + a cool head, play it + cool.
    * no predisponer a Alguien en contra = keep on + the right side of.
    * no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdad = ask no questions and hear no lies.
    * no preocuparse que = rest + assured that.
    * no preparado = uninformed, unready, unprepared.
    * no presentado a examen = absent from exam.
    * no prestar atención = disregard, overlook, close + the door on, go + unheeded, fly in + the face of.
    * no prestar atención al hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * no prestar la suficiente atención = give + short shrift.
    * no pretender ser = make + no claim to.
    * no probado = untested.
    * no procesado = unprocessed.
    * no profesional = non-professional [nonprofessional].
    * no programador = non-programmer.
    * no prolongado = unsustained.
    * no pronunciado = undelivered.
    * no prosperar = fall by + the wayside.
    * no provocado = unprovoked.
    * no publicado = unpublished.
    * no público = non-public.
    * no pude evitar notar que = couldn't help but notice (that).
    * no puedo aguantarlo = can't take it.
    * no puedo comprender = I can't get over.
    * no puedo entender cómo = can't get over how.
    * no quebrar = stay in + business.
    * no quedarse ahí = there + be + more to it than that.
    * no querer saber más nada de = drop + Nombre + like a hot potato, drop + Nombre + like a hot brick.
    * no querer saber nada de = want + nothing to do with.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con Algo = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con = want + nothing to do with.
    * no racial = colour-blind.
    * no racista = race-neutral.
    * no realizado = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no recargado = uncluttered.
    * no reciclable = non-recyclable.
    * no recogido = uncollected.
    * no recompensado = unrewarded.
    * no reconocido = unacknowledged, unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * no recopilado = uncollected.
    * no redimido = unredeemed.
    * no reembolsable = non-repayable, non-refundable.
    * no registrado = unlisted, unaffiliated.
    * no reglamentado = unregulated.
    * no regulado = unregulated.
    * no relacionado = unrelated, nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relacionados entre sí = unrelated.
    * no relativo = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relevante = non-relevant.
    * no remunerado = unpaid, unsalaried, non-paying, unremunerated, non-remunerated.
    * no renovable = non-renewable.
    * no renovado = unrenewed.
    * no rentable = uneconomic, unprofitable.
    * no reparar en gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no repartido = undelivered.
    * no representativo = unrepresentative.
    * no restrictivo = non-restrictive.
    * no restringido = non-restrictive, unconfined.
    * no resuelto = unresolved.
    * no resultar fácil = not be easy.
    * no retirado = uncollected.

    * * *
    (= noroeste) [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] NW
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    NO (
    noroeste) NW

    no adverbio
    a) ( como respuesta) no;

    (modificando adverbios, oraciones, verbos) not la negación de la mayoría de los verbos ingleses requiere el uso del auxiliar `do'
    ¿te gustó? — no did you like it? — no, I didn't;

    ¿vienes o no? are you coming or not?;
    no te preocupes don't worry;
    ¿por qué no quieres ir? — porque no why don't you want to go?I just don't

    no veo nada I can't see a thing o anything;

    no viene nunca she never comes

    está mejor ¿no? she's better, isn't she?;

    ha dimitido ¿no? he has resigned, hasn't he?

    se ganó la lotería — ¡no! he won the lottery — he didn't! o no!

    ¿te gustó? a mí no did you like it? I didn't
    f) (delante de n, adj, pp):

    la no violencia non-violence;
    un hijo no deseado an unwanted child
    ■ sustantivo masculino (pl
    noes) no

    I adverbio
    1 (como respuesta) no: ¿quieres un poco?, - no, gracias, would you like a bit?, - no, thanks
    2 (en frases negativas) not: aún no está dormido, he isn't asleep yet
    hoy no es jueves, today isn't Thursday
    no, no iré, no, I will not go
    no tengo hambre, I am not hungry
    ¿por qué no?, why not?
    ya no fuma, she doesn't smoke any more
    3 (antepuesto a un nombre) la no colaboración se penalizará, non-collaboration will be penalized
    4 (con otros negativos) no diré nada, I won't say a single word
    no lo haré jamás, I'll never do it
    no sin antes..., not without first...
    5 (en advertencia, cartel) no fumar, no smoking
    6 (en preguntas retóricas o de confirmación) está enfadado, ¿no es así?, he is angry, isn't he?
    estoy guapa, ¿o no?, I'm smart, aren't I?
    firmarás el contrato, ¿no?, you'll sign the contract, won't you?
    ¿no nos presentaron el otro día?, weren't we introduced the other day?
    7 (para expresar un temor) llévate el paraguas, no sea que llueva, take your umbrella in case it rains
    II sustantivo masculino no: ¿es un no definitivo?, is that a definite no?

    'no' also found in these entries:
    - abandonar
    - abandonada
    - abandonado
    - abandonarse
    - abarcar
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abasto
    - abatir
    - abatimiento
    - abonarse
    - abortar
    - abrir
    - abreviar
    - abrigar
    - absoluta
    - absolutamente
    - absoluto
    - abstraerse
    - abuela
    - abundar
    - aburrida
    - aburrido
    - abusar
    - acabar
    - acallar
    - acalorarse
    - acariciar
    - acaso
    - accesoria
    - accesorio
    - aceptar
    - acertada
    - acertado
    - achacar
    - achantarse
    - aclararse
    - aconsejar
    - actuación
    - actual
    - acudir
    - adelantar
    - adelante
    - adentro
    - adivinar
    - admitir
    - adónde
    - adorno
    - advertir
    - ablaze
    - able
    - about
    - absence
    - absent
    - accepted
    - accommodate
    - account
    - accountable
    - accustom
    - act on
    - action
    - actual
    - actually
    - add up
    - adequately
    - adjust
    - admit
    - admittance
    - advertise
    - advise
    - affair
    - afford
    - afraid
    - agree
    - agreement
    - albeit
    - alike
    - alive
    - all
    - alone
    - aloud
    - also
    - alternative
    - altogether
    - always
    - ambit
    - amiss
    - amusing
    - anathema
    - and
    - answer
    - answer back
    - antisexist
    - any
    - anybody
    - anything
    - anywhere
    - apart
    * * *
    NO (abrev de Noroeste)
    * * *
    abr (= noroeste) NW, Northwest
    * * *
    no adv
    1) : no
    ¿quieres ir al mercado? no, voy más tarde: do you want to go shopping? no, I'm going later
    2) : not
    ¡no hagas eso!: don't do that!
    creo que no: I don't think so
    3) : non-
    no fumador: non-smoker
    ¡como no! : of course!
    no bien : as soon as, no sooner
    * * *
    no adv
    ¿vienes? No are you coming? No
    ¡no a los accidentes! no more accidents!
    no toques eso don't touch that que no con verbos como creer, pensar, etc se puede traducir por un verbo negativo y so
    La doble negación en inglés equivale a una afirmación, así que con un solo negativo basta
    Si se emplea ¿no? para hacer una pregunta, en inglés se emplea una tag question
    fuiste al médico, ¿no? you went to the doctor's, didn't you?
    el martes es fiesta, ¿no? Tuesday is a holiday, isn't it?
    puedo ir, ¿no? I can go, can't I?

    Spanish-English dictionary > no

  • 15 Cristo

    1 crucifix.
    cristo Christ
    armar un cristo to kick up a fuss
    donde cristo dio las tres voces/perdió el gorro (informal figurative) in the back of beyond
    2 Christ, the Son, Good Shepherd.
    * * *
    1 RELIGIÓN Christ
    2 (crucifijo) crucifix
    antes de Cristo before Christ
    armar un Cristo familiar to kick up a big fuss
    después de Cristo anno Domini
    donde Cristo dio las tres voces / donde Cristo perdió el gorro familiar in the middle of nowhere
    estar hecho un Cristo familiar to be a sorry sight, look a right state
    no había ni Cristo nobody was there, there wasn't a soul
    poner a alguien hecho un Cristo familiar to have a real go at somebody
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=Jesucristo) Christ
    - donde Cristo dio las tres voces
    2) (=imagen) figure of Christ
    * * *

    antes/después de Cristo — before Christ o BC/AD

    con el Cristo en la bocawith one's heart in one's mouth

    Cristo y la madre — (fam) everyone and his brother (AmE colloq), the world and his wife (BrE colloq)

    donde Cristo dio las tres voces or perdió la alpargata — ( en un lugar - lejano) miles away; (- remoto) in the middle of nowhere

    ir or estar hecho un Cristo — (Esp fam) to be absolutely filthy

    ni Cristo: ni Cristo entiende or no hay Cristo que entienda su letra — absolutely nobody can understand her handwriting

    * * *
    = Christ.
    Ex. For example, we find in Religion P a systematic schedule 'for specification under any religion, sect, church or religious community' in which C is used to indicate Founder (Buddha PJC, Mohammed PKC and Christ PNB).
    * Fecha + a.C. (Antes de Cristo) = Fecha + BC [B.C.] (Before Christ).
    * Fecha + d.C. (Después de Cristo) = AD [A.D.] + Fecha (Anno Domini).
    * * *

    antes/después de Cristo — before Christ o BC/AD

    con el Cristo en la bocawith one's heart in one's mouth

    Cristo y la madre — (fam) everyone and his brother (AmE colloq), the world and his wife (BrE colloq)

    donde Cristo dio las tres voces or perdió la alpargata — ( en un lugar - lejano) miles away; (- remoto) in the middle of nowhere

    ir or estar hecho un Cristo — (Esp fam) to be absolutely filthy

    ni Cristo: ni Cristo entiende or no hay Cristo que entienda su letra — absolutely nobody can understand her handwriting

    * * *

    Ex: For example, we find in Religion P a systematic schedule 'for specification under any religion, sect, church or religious community' in which C is used to indicate Founder (Buddha PJC, Mohammed PKC and Christ PNB).

    * Fecha + a.C. (Antes de Cristo) = Fecha + BC [B.C.] (Before Christ).
    * Fecha + d.C. (Después de Cristo) = AD [A.D.] + Fecha (Anno Domini).

    * * *
    armar un Cristo ( Esp fam); to kick up o create a fuss ( colloq)
    con el Cristo en la boca with one's heart in one's mouth
    Cristo y la madre ( fam); everyone and his brother ( AmE colloq), the world and his wife ( BrE colloq)
    donde Cristo dio las tres voces or perdió la gorra or la alpargata (en un lugarlejano) miles away; (— remoto) in the middle of nowhere, in the back of beyond, out in the sticks ( colloq), in the Boonies ( AmE colloq)
    hasta verte Cristo mío ( fam); down the hatch! ( colloq)
    hecho un Cristo ( Esp fam): se puso/iba hecho un Cristo he got/he was absolutely filthy o in a real mess
    cuando acabaron con él estaba hecho un Cristo he was in a real mess by the time they'd finished with him
    ni Cristo: ni Cristo entiende or no hay Cristo que entienda su letra absolutely nobody can understand her handwriting
    poner a algn como un Cristo ( Esp fam); to call sb every name under the sun
    todo Cristo ( Esp fam); absolutely everyone
    * * *

    Multiple Entries:
    Cristo Christ;
    antes/después de cristo before Christ o BC/AD

    Cristo sustantivo masculino Christ
    ♦ Locuciones: familiar armar un Cristo, to kick up a big fuss
    dejar a alguien hecho un Cristo, to leave sb looking a very sorry sight
    donde Cristo perdió el gorro, in the middle of nowhere
    ni Cristo (que lo fundó), not a soul
    todo Cristo, every mother's son

    ' Cristo' also found in these entries:
    a. C.
    - armarse
    - d. C
    - a. de C.
    - después
    - natividad
    - advent
    - BC
    - bedlam
    - before
    - Christ
    - hell
    - Virgin birth
    - wild
    - AD
    * * *
    Cristo nm
    1. [Jesucristo] Christ;
    armar un Cristo to kick up a fuss;
    donde Cristo dio las tres voces o [m5] perdió el gorro Br in the back of beyond, US way out in the sticks;
    estar hecho un Cristo to be a pitiful sight;
    se cayó de la bici y se puso como un Cristo he fell off his bike and ended up looking a real mess;
    ni Cristo absolutely nobody, not a soul;
    todo Cristo absolutely everyone
    2. [crucifijo] crucifix
    * * *
    todo Cristo fam everyone;
    donde Cristo dio las tres voces fam in the middle of nowhere fam

    Spanish-English dictionary > Cristo

  • 16 sehen

    n; -s, kein Pl. seeing; (Sehkraft) eyesight; ( nur) vom Sehen (only) by sight; ich kenne ihn nur vom Sehen auch I’ve never actually spoken to him; die Leute kommen zum Sehen und Gesehenwerden these people come to see and be seen
    * * *
    das Sehen
    (Sehkraft) eyesight;
    (Sicht) seeing
    * * *
    nt -s, no pl
    seeing; (= Sehkraft) sight, vision

    als Fotograf muss man richtiges, bewusstes Séhen lernen — as a photographer one has to learn to see correctly and consciously

    ich kenne ihn nur vom Séhen — I only know him by sight

    * * *
    1) (to have the power of sight: After six years of blindness, he found he could see.) see
    2) (to be aware of by means of the eye: I can see her in the garden.) see
    3) (to look at: Did you see that play on television?) see
    4) (to have a picture in the mind: I see many difficulties ahead.) see
    5) (to investigate: Leave this here and I'll see what I can do for you.) see
    6) (to meet: I'll see you at the usual time.) see
    * * *
    nt kein pl seeing
    jdn nur vom \Sehen kennen to only know sb by sight
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb
    1) see

    schlecht/gut sehen — have bad or poor/good eyesight

    mal sehen, wir wollen od. werden sehen — (ugs.) we'll see


    siehst du wohl! — there, you see!

    lass mal sehenlet me or let's see; let me or let's have a look

    siehe oben/unten/Seite 80 — see above/below/page 80

    da kann man od. (ugs.) kannste mal sehen,... — that just goes to show...

    2) (hinsehen) look

    auf etwas (Akk.) sehen — look at something

    sieh mal od. doch! — look!

    alle Welt sieht auf Washington(fig.) all eyes are turned on Washington

    3) (zeigen, liegen)

    nach Süden/Norden sehen — face south/north

    4) (nachsehen) have a look; see

    nach jemandem sehen (betreuen) keep an eye on somebody; (besuchen) drop by to see somebody; (nachsehen) look in on somebody

    nach etwas sehen (betreuen) keep an eye on something; (nachsehen) take a look at something

    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb

    jemanden/etwas [nicht] zu sehen bekommen — [not] get to see somebody/something

    von ihm/davon ist nichts zu sehen — he/it is nowhere to be seen

    ich habe ihn kommen [ge]sehen — I saw him coming

    [überall] gern gesehen sein — be welcome [everywhere]

    jemanden/etwas nicht mehr sehen können — (fig. ugs.) not be able to stand the sight of somebody/something any more

    kein Blut sehen können(ugs.) not be able to stand the sight of blood

    2) (ansehen, betrachten) watch <television, performance>; look at <photograph, object>
    3) (treffen) see
    5) (feststellen, erkennen) see

    ich möchte doch einmal sehen, ob er es wagt — I'd just like to see whether he dares [to]

    wir sahen, dass wir nicht mehr helfen konnten — we saw that we could not help any more

    das wollen wir [doch] erst mal sehen! — we'll 'see about that

    man wird sehen [müssen] — we'll [just have to] see

    da sieht man es [mal] wieder — it's the same old story

    so gesehenlooked at that way or in that light

    ich werde sehen, was ich für Sie tun kann — I'll see what I can do for you


    sich genötigt/veranlasst sehen,... zu... — feel compelled to...

    sich in der Lage sehen,... zu... — feel able to...; think one is able to...

    * * *
    sehen; sieht, sah, hat gesehen
    A. v/i
    1. see;
    gut/schlecht sehen have good/bad ( oder poor) eyesight;
    ich sehe nicht gut I can’t see very well;
    sie sieht nur auf einem Auge she can only see with one eye, she only has sight in one eye;
    sie konnte kaum aus den Augen sehen she could hardly keep her eyes open;
    sehe ich richtig? umg I must be seeing things
    2. (hinsehen, blicken) look;
    auf seine Uhr sehen look at one’s watch;
    er kann mir nicht in die Augen sehen he can’t look me in the eye;
    sieh nur!, sehen Sie mal! look!;
    wenn ich recht gesehen habe if I saw right, if my eyes weren’t deceiving me;
    wie ich sehe, ist er nicht hier I see he’s not here;
    wie Sie sehen, … as you can see, …;
    siehe oben/unten (abk
    sb/s. u.) see above/below;
    das Fenster sieht auf die See fig the window looks out onto ( oder faces) the sea
    3. fig:
    sehen auf (+akk) (Wert legen auf) set great store by, be (very) particular about;
    nach den Kindern sehen look after (US take care of) the children;
    wir müssen mal wieder nach Oma sehen we must look in on grandma again (to see that she’s all right);
    nach dem Essen sehen see to the dinner;
    nach dem Braten sehen see how the joint is doing;
    siehe da! umg lo and behold!;
    (na,) siehst du! umg there you are; (es ist geschehen, was ich voraussagte) what did I tell you?, see?;
    ich will sehen, dass ich es dir besorge I’ll see if I can ( oder I’ll try to) get it for you;
    man muss sehen, wo man bleibt umg you have to look after number one;
    sieh, dass es erledigt wird see (to it) that it gets done;
    wir werden (schon) sehen we’ll ( oder we shall) see, let’s wait and see;
    lassen Sie mich sehen let me see (auch fig)
    4. (einsehen, erkennen) see, realize;
    sehen Sie, die Sache war so you see, it was like this;
    ich sehe schon, dass er keine Ahnung hat I can see that he has no idea;
    siehst du nun, dass es ein Fehler war? do you see now that it was a mistake?;
    seht ihr denn nicht, dass …? can’t you see that …?;
    daraus ist zu sehen, dass … this shows that …, it’s clear from this that …; ähnlich
    B. v/t
    1. see; (betrachten) look at; TV, SPORT etc: watch; (bemerken) notice;
    kann ich das mal sehen? can I have a look at that?;
    ich sehe gerade die Tagesschau I’m watching the news;
    ich sehe schrecklich gern Tennis/Schnulzen I love watching tennis/schmaltzy films;
    ich sah ihn fallen I saw ( oder watched) him fall;
    er sieht einfach alles he doesn’t miss a thing;
    ich sehe überhaupt nichts I can’t see a thing;
    ich sehe alles doppelt/verschwommen I’m seeing everything double/everything’s blurred;
    flüchtig sehen catch a glimpse of;
    es war/gab nichts zu sehen you couldn’t see a thing/there was nothing to see;
    gehen Sie weiter, hier gibt es nichts zu sehen keep moving, there’s nothing to see here;
    niemand war zu sehen there was nobody to be seen ( oder in sight)
    gern sehen like (to see);
    er sieht es gern, wenn man ihn bedient he likes being waited on;
    er sieht es nicht gern, wenn sie ausgeht he doesn’t like her going out;
    das sehe ich gar nicht gern I hate to see that sort of thing;
    sie kann ihn nicht mehr sehen (leiden) she can’t stand (the sight of) him
    er hat bessere Tage gesehen he’s seen better days;
    das möchte ich (aber) sehen! that’ll be the day!;
    das werden wir ja sehen we’ll see; skeptisch: auch we’ll see about that;
    da sieht man es mal wieder umg it all goes to show;
    hat man so etwas schon gesehen! umg did you ever see anything like it!, well - I never (did) umg
    ich habe es kommen sehen I could see it coming;
    ich sehe schon kommen, dass er kündigt I can see him handing in his notice
    sich sehen lassen put in an appearance; umg (ankommen, auftauchen) turn up;
    du hast dich lange nicht sehen lassen you haven’t put in an appearance for a long time;
    lass dich mal wieder sehen! umg come and see me ( oder us) again some time;
    lass dich hier nie mehr sehen! don’t you dare show your face here again;
    sie kann sich sehen lassen umg she’s very attractive;
    das kann sich sehen lassen umg that looks quite respectable; weitS., bei Leistung etc: that’s something to be proud of, that’s a feather in your hat
    6. (treffen) see;
    einander sehen see each other;
    wir sehen uns häufig we see quite a lot of each other, we see each other quite often;
    können wir uns nicht öfter sehen? can’t we get together more often?;
    wir sehen uns zum ersten Mal we’ve never met before
    7. fig (beurteilen, einschätzen) see;
    die Dinge sehen, wie sie sind see things for what they are;
    ich sehe die Sache anders I see it differently;
    wie siehst du das? how do you see it?;
    er sieht es schon richtig he’s got the picture, he’s got it right;
    du siehst es falsch you’ve got it wrong;
    so darf man das nicht sehen you’ve got to look at it differently;
    das darf man nicht so eng sehen umg you mustn’t take such a narrow view;
    oder wie seh ich das? umg am I right?;
    so gesehen (looked at) in that light, from that point of view;
    rechtlich etc
    gesehen from a legal etc standpoint ( oder point of view), legally etc;
    man muss beide Seiten sehen you have to see both aspects;
    ich sehe in ihm ein … I see him as a …
    sich gezwungen sehen zu (+inf) find o.s. compelled to (+inf)
    in der Lage zu (+inf) I don’t see how I can possibly (+inf)
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb
    1) see

    schlecht/gut sehen — have bad or poor/good eyesight

    mal sehen, wir wollen od. werden sehen — (ugs.) we'll see


    siehst du wohl! — there, you see!

    lass mal sehenlet me or let's see; let me or let's have a look

    siehe oben/unten/Seite 80 — see above/below/page 80

    da kann man od. (ugs.) kannste mal sehen,... — that just goes to show...

    2) (hinsehen) look

    auf etwas (Akk.) sehen — look at something

    sieh mal od. doch! — look!

    alle Welt sieht auf Washington(fig.) all eyes are turned on Washington

    3) (zeigen, liegen)

    nach Süden/Norden sehen — face south/north

    4) (nachsehen) have a look; see

    nach jemandem sehen (betreuen) keep an eye on somebody; (besuchen) drop by to see somebody; (nachsehen) look in on somebody

    nach etwas sehen (betreuen) keep an eye on something; (nachsehen) take a look at something

    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb

    jemanden/etwas [nicht] zu sehen bekommen — [not] get to see somebody/something

    von ihm/davon ist nichts zu sehen — he/it is nowhere to be seen

    ich habe ihn kommen [ge]sehen — I saw him coming

    [überall] gern gesehen sein — be welcome [everywhere]

    jemanden/etwas nicht mehr sehen können — (fig. ugs.) not be able to stand the sight of somebody/something any more

    kein Blut sehen können(ugs.) not be able to stand the sight of blood

    2) (ansehen, betrachten) watch <television, performance>; look at <photograph, object>
    3) (treffen) see
    5) (feststellen, erkennen) see

    ich möchte doch einmal sehen, ob er es wagt — I'd just like to see whether he dares [to]

    wir sahen, dass wir nicht mehr helfen konnten — we saw that we could not help any more

    das wollen wir [doch] erst mal sehen! — we'll 'see about that

    man wird sehen [müssen] — we'll [just have to] see

    da sieht man es [mal] wieder — it's the same old story

    so gesehenlooked at that way or in that light

    ich werde sehen, was ich für Sie tun kann — I'll see what I can do for you


    sich genötigt/veranlasst sehen,... zu... — feel compelled to...

    sich in der Lage sehen,... zu... — feel able to...; think one is able to...

    * * *
    (§ p.,pp.: sah, gesehen)
    = to behold v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: beheld)
    to look (at) v.
    to see v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: saw, seen)
    to see how the wind blows expr.
    to spot v.
    to view v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > sehen

  • 17 Sehen

    n; -s, kein Pl. seeing; (Sehkraft) eyesight; ( nur) vom Sehen (only) by sight; ich kenne ihn nur vom Sehen auch I’ve never actually spoken to him; die Leute kommen zum Sehen und Gesehenwerden these people come to see and be seen
    * * *
    das Sehen
    (Sehkraft) eyesight;
    (Sicht) seeing
    * * *
    nt -s, no pl
    seeing; (= Sehkraft) sight, vision

    als Fotograf muss man richtiges, bewusstes Séhen lernen — as a photographer one has to learn to see correctly and consciously

    ich kenne ihn nur vom Séhen — I only know him by sight

    * * *
    1) (to have the power of sight: After six years of blindness, he found he could see.) see
    2) (to be aware of by means of the eye: I can see her in the garden.) see
    3) (to look at: Did you see that play on television?) see
    4) (to have a picture in the mind: I see many difficulties ahead.) see
    5) (to investigate: Leave this here and I'll see what I can do for you.) see
    6) (to meet: I'll see you at the usual time.) see
    * * *
    nt kein pl seeing
    jdn nur vom \Sehen kennen to only know sb by sight
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb
    1) see

    schlecht/gut sehen — have bad or poor/good eyesight

    mal sehen, wir wollen od. werden sehen — (ugs.) we'll see


    siehst du wohl! — there, you see!

    lass mal sehenlet me or let's see; let me or let's have a look

    siehe oben/unten/Seite 80 — see above/below/page 80

    da kann man od. (ugs.) kannste mal sehen,... — that just goes to show...

    2) (hinsehen) look

    auf etwas (Akk.) sehen — look at something

    sieh mal od. doch! — look!

    alle Welt sieht auf Washington(fig.) all eyes are turned on Washington

    3) (zeigen, liegen)

    nach Süden/Norden sehen — face south/north

    4) (nachsehen) have a look; see

    nach jemandem sehen (betreuen) keep an eye on somebody; (besuchen) drop by to see somebody; (nachsehen) look in on somebody

    nach etwas sehen (betreuen) keep an eye on something; (nachsehen) take a look at something

    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb

    jemanden/etwas [nicht] zu sehen bekommen — [not] get to see somebody/something

    von ihm/davon ist nichts zu sehen — he/it is nowhere to be seen

    ich habe ihn kommen [ge]sehen — I saw him coming

    [überall] gern gesehen sein — be welcome [everywhere]

    jemanden/etwas nicht mehr sehen können — (fig. ugs.) not be able to stand the sight of somebody/something any more

    kein Blut sehen können(ugs.) not be able to stand the sight of blood

    2) (ansehen, betrachten) watch <television, performance>; look at <photograph, object>
    3) (treffen) see
    5) (feststellen, erkennen) see

    ich möchte doch einmal sehen, ob er es wagt — I'd just like to see whether he dares [to]

    wir sahen, dass wir nicht mehr helfen konnten — we saw that we could not help any more

    das wollen wir [doch] erst mal sehen! — we'll 'see about that

    man wird sehen [müssen] — we'll [just have to] see

    da sieht man es [mal] wieder — it's the same old story

    so gesehenlooked at that way or in that light

    ich werde sehen, was ich für Sie tun kann — I'll see what I can do for you


    sich genötigt/veranlasst sehen,... zu... — feel compelled to...

    sich in der Lage sehen,... zu... — feel able to...; think one is able to...

    * * *
    Sehen n; -s, kein pl seeing; (Sehkraft) eyesight;
    (nur) vom Sehen (only) by sight;
    ich kenne ihn nur vom Sehen auch I’ve never actually spoken to him;
    die Leute kommen zum Sehen und Gesehenwerden these people come to see and be seen
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb
    1) see

    schlecht/gut sehen — have bad or poor/good eyesight

    mal sehen, wir wollen od. werden sehen — (ugs.) we'll see


    siehst du wohl! — there, you see!

    lass mal sehenlet me or let's see; let me or let's have a look

    siehe oben/unten/Seite 80 — see above/below/page 80

    da kann man od. (ugs.) kannste mal sehen,... — that just goes to show...

    2) (hinsehen) look

    auf etwas (Akk.) sehen — look at something

    sieh mal od. doch! — look!

    alle Welt sieht auf Washington(fig.) all eyes are turned on Washington

    3) (zeigen, liegen)

    nach Süden/Norden sehen — face south/north

    4) (nachsehen) have a look; see

    nach jemandem sehen (betreuen) keep an eye on somebody; (besuchen) drop by to see somebody; (nachsehen) look in on somebody

    nach etwas sehen (betreuen) keep an eye on something; (nachsehen) take a look at something

    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb

    jemanden/etwas [nicht] zu sehen bekommen — [not] get to see somebody/something

    von ihm/davon ist nichts zu sehen — he/it is nowhere to be seen

    ich habe ihn kommen [ge]sehen — I saw him coming

    [überall] gern gesehen sein — be welcome [everywhere]

    jemanden/etwas nicht mehr sehen können — (fig. ugs.) not be able to stand the sight of somebody/something any more

    kein Blut sehen können(ugs.) not be able to stand the sight of blood

    2) (ansehen, betrachten) watch <television, performance>; look at <photograph, object>
    3) (treffen) see
    5) (feststellen, erkennen) see

    ich möchte doch einmal sehen, ob er es wagt — I'd just like to see whether he dares [to]

    wir sahen, dass wir nicht mehr helfen konnten — we saw that we could not help any more

    das wollen wir [doch] erst mal sehen! — we'll 'see about that

    man wird sehen [müssen] — we'll [just have to] see

    da sieht man es [mal] wieder — it's the same old story

    so gesehenlooked at that way or in that light

    ich werde sehen, was ich für Sie tun kann — I'll see what I can do for you


    sich genötigt/veranlasst sehen,... zu... — feel compelled to...

    sich in der Lage sehen,... zu... — feel able to...; think one is able to...

    * * *
    (§ p.,pp.: sah, gesehen)
    = to behold v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: beheld)
    to look (at) v.
    to see v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: saw, seen)
    to see how the wind blows expr.
    to spot v.
    to view v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Sehen

  • 18 sin

    buscan gente sin experiencia previa they are looking for people with no o without previous experience
    sin alcohol alcohol-free
    ha escrito cinco libros sin (contar) las novelas he has written five books, not counting his novels
    está sin hacer it hasn't been done yet
    estamos sin vino we're out of wine
    muchos se quedaron sin casa a lot of people were left homeless, a lot of people lost their homes
    lleva tres noches sin dormir she hasn't slept for three nights
    sin que without
    sin que nadie se enterara without anyone noticing
    sin más (ni más) just like that
    INS, Immigration and Naturalization Service.
    * * *
    1 (carencia) without
    2 (además de) not counting
    estar sin algo to be out of something
    estar sin + inf not to have been + past participle
    quedarse sin algo to run out of something
    seguir sin to still not
    sin casar unmarried
    sin lo cual otherwise
    sin más ni más without further ado
    sin que + subjuntivo without + - ing
    sin querer accidentally, by mistake
    sin vergüenza shameless
    * * *
    * * *
    1. PREP
    1) [seguido de sustantivo, pronombre] without

    ¿puedes abrirla sin llave? — can you open it without a key?

    llevamos diez meses sin noticias — it's been ten months since we've had any news, we've been ten months without news

    parejas jóvenes, sin hijos — young couples with no children

    cerveza sin alcohol — alcohol-free beer, non-alcoholic beer

    estar sin algo, estuvimos varias horas sin luz — we had no electricity for several hours

    quedarse sin algo — (=terminarse) to run out of sth; (=perder) to lose sth

    sin papeles SMF illegal immigrant

    2) (=no incluyendo) not including, excluding

    ese es el precio de la bañera sin los grifos — that is the price of the bath, excluding o not including the taps

    cuesta 550 euros, sin IVA — it costs 550 euros, exclusive of VAT o not including VAT

    3) + infin
    a) [indicando acción]

    nos despedimos, no sin antes recordarles que... — (TV) before saying goodnight we'd like to remind you that...

    no me gusta estar sin hacer nada — I don't like having nothing to do, I don't like doing nothing

    b) [indicando continuidad]

    llevan mucho tiempo sin hablarse — they haven't spoken to each other for a long time

    seguir sin, las camas seguían sin hacer — the beds still hadn't been made

    c) [tras sustantivo pasivo]

    sin que+ subjun without

    sin que él lo sepa — without him knowing, without his knowing

    SF (=cerveza sin alcohol) alcohol-free beer
    * * *

    cerveza sin alcohol — non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer

    una pareja sin hijos — a couple with no children, a childless couple


    sin + inf — ( con significado activo) without -ing


    sin + inf — ( con significado pasivo)


    sin que + subj: no voy a ir sin que me inviten I'm not going if I haven't been invited; quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta — get it off him without his o without him noticing

    * * *
    Ex. Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully = Sin las RCAA es dudoso que la catalogación automatizada se hubiera implementado tan fácilmente y con tanto éxito, relativamente hablando.
    * abogado sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * acercarse sin ser visto = sidle up to.
    * afable pero sin sinceridad = suave.
    * agua sin gas = still water.
    * andar sin prisa = mosey.
    * arreglárselas sin = live without, get along without.
    * aunque sin ningún resultado = but (all) to no avail.
    * barato pero sin avergonzarse de ello = cheap and cheerful.
    * biblioteca sin muros = library without walls.
    * biblioteca sin paredes = library without walls.
    * bordado sin consido = needlepoint lace.
    * callejón sin salida = blind alley, catch 22, cul-de-sac, dead end, impasse.
    * camino sin rumbo = the road to nowhere.
    * casi sin previo aviso = without much notice.
    * coche sin caballos = horseless carriage automobile, horseless carriage.
    * colocado sin escalón entre pieza y pieza = edge-flush.
    * continuar sin detenerse = go straight ahead.
    * conversación sin trascendencia = small-talk.
    * decir rápidamente sin parar = rattle off.
    * dejar a Alguien sin aliento = leave + Nombre + breathless.
    * dejar sin cambiar = leave + unchanged.
    * dejar sin hacer = leave + undone.
    * dejar sin referente a una referencia anafórica = dangle + anaphoric reference.
    * dejar sin tocar = leave + Nombre + alone.
    * dejar sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * demanda sin variaciones = inelastic demand.
    * demostrar sin lugar a dudas = prove + conclusively.
    * demostrar sin ninguna duda = demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.
    * demostrar sin ningún género de duda = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, demonstrate + emphatically, demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt.
    * desarrollarse sin problemas = go + smoothly.
    * estar sin vivir = be worried sick.
    * evaluación sin intervención del examinador = unobtrusive testing.
    * hablando sin rodeos = crudely put.
    * hablar sin parar = burble on.
    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues.
    * hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.
    * homicidio sin premeditación = manslaughter.
    * ir a un Sitio sin prisa = mosey.
    * lanzarse sin ton ni son = dive + head-first.
    * más largo que un día sin pan = as long as (my/your) arm.
    * medicamento sin receta médica = over the counter medicine.
    * método de la media sin ponderar = unweighted means method.
    * nación sin estado = stateless nation.
    * noche sin poder dormir = sleepless night.
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no sin fundamento = not without basis.
    * oficina sin papel = paperless office.
    * papel sin acidez = acid-free paper.
    * pasar desadvertido, pasar sin ser visto = sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar sin = live without, live without.
    * pasar sin ser visto = go + unnoticed.
    * película sin fin = filmloop [film loop/film-loop].
    * permanecer sin cambios = remain + unchanged.
    * permanecer sin especificar = remain + undefined.
    * pero sin conseguirlo = but no dice.
    * pero sin suerte = but no dice.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * personas sin hogar = homelessness.
    * personas sin techo = homelessness.
    * político sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * pozo sin fondo = bottomless pit.
    * pregunta sin respuesta = unanswerable question.
    * publicación sin papel = paperless publishing.
    * quedarse sin aliento = run out of + breath.
    * quedarse sin habla = stun into + speechlessness.
    * quedarse sin negocio = go out of + business.
    * quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness.
    * rechazar sin más = dismiss + out of hand.
    * referencia anafórica sin referente = dangling anaphoric reference.
    * rima sin sentido = nonsense, nonsense verse.
    * salir sin ser visto = slip out.
    * sin abrir = unopened.
    * sin abrirse = unfolded.
    * sin abrochar = undone.
    * sin acabar = unfinished.
    * sin acentuar = unaccented.
    * sin acontecimientos que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin adornos = unadorned, unvarnished.
    * sin afectar = unaffected.
    * sin afeitar = unshaven.
    * sin afeitar desde hace varios días = stubbly [stubblier -comp., stubbliest -sup.].
    * sin afiliación a un partido político = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * sin afiliación religiosa = non-sectarian [nonsectarian].
    * sin agua = waterless.
    * sin aguja = needleless.
    * sin ajustar = unadjusted, loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin alcohol = alcoholfree.
    * sin aliento = breathlessly, breathless.
    * sin alinear = unjustified.
    * sin alterar = unaltered, unmodified.
    * sin ambigüedad = unambiguous.
    * sin amor = loveless.
    * sin analizar = unexamined, unanalysed.
    * sin ánimo = despondently.
    * sin ánimo de lucro = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making, not-for-profit, generously.
    * sin apenas ser oído = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin apoyo = unsupported.
    * sin apretar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin árboles = treeless.
    * sin arreglo = beyond repair.
    * sin arrepentimiento = no-looking-back.
    * sin asignar = unallocated.
    * sin asignar todavía = unassigned.
    * sin asimilar = undigested.
    * sin atajar = unconfronted.
    * sin atractivo = unattractive.
    * sin atrasos = paid-up, in good standing.
    * sin autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unlicensed.
    * sin avergonzarse = unashamed.
    * sin avisar = unannounced, out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin aviso previo = without warning.
    * sin ayuda = unaided, unassisted.
    * sin ayuda de nadie = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * sin barba = beardless.
    * sin barnizar = unvarnished.
    * sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.
    * sin blanca = broke, skint.
    * sin blanquear = unbleached.
    * sin blindar = unshielded.
    * sin bombo(s) ni platillo(s) = without much ado.
    * sin brillo = dull, tarnished.
    * sin cabeza = headless, decapitated.
    * sin cables = wireless.
    * sin cafeina = decaffeinated.
    * sin calorías = calorieless.
    * sin cambio = inviolate.
    * sin cambios = monotone, stable, undisturbed, unchanged, unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin cancelar = uncancelled.
    * sin canjear = unredeemed.
    * sin cansancio = indefatigably.
    * sin capacidad de discernimiento = undiscriminating.
    * sin cara = faceless.
    * sin carácter = boneless, spineless.
    * sin carne = meatless.
    * sin castigo = impunitive, unpunished.
    * sin catalogar = uncatalogued [uncataloged, -USA].
    * sin causa alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin causa aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin causa justificada = without justified reason.
    * sin causar daño = harmlessly.
    * sin ceremonias = unceremonious, unceremoniously.
    * sin cerrar con llave = unlocked.
    * sin certeza de cobrar = on spec.
    * sin cesar = steadily.
    * sin clases sociales = classless.
    * sin clavos = studless.
    * sin clemencia = mercilessly.
    * sin cobrar = free of charge, unredeemed, uncollected.
    * sin cohesión = scrappily, scrappy [scrappier -comp., scrappiest -sup.], bitty [bittier -comp., bittiest -sup.].
    * sin cohibiciones = unselfconsciously.
    * sin cola = ecaudate.
    * sin columnas = single-column.
    * sin comentar = unannotated.
    * sin comerlo ni beberlo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin comérselo ni bebérselo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin compasión = mercilessly.
    * sin complicaciones = smoothly, boilerplate [boiler plate], uncomplicated, straightforward, uncomplicatedly, hassle-free.
    * sin comprimir = uncompressed.
    * sin comprobar = untested.
    * sin compromiso = without obligation, fancy-free.
    * sin compromisos = with no strings attached.
    * sin concluir = unfinished.
    * sin concretar = to be decided.
    * sin condiciones = unconditionally.
    * sin condiciones especiales = with no strings attached.
    * sin confirmar = unconfirmed, unsubstantiated, unvalidated, to be confirmed.
    * sin conocer = ignorant of.
    * sin conocimiento = unconscious.
    * sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anteriormente = stateless.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anterior = stateless.
    * sin constancia de ello = unrecorded.
    * sin consumir = nonconsumptive.
    * sin contacto = non-contact.
    * sin contaminar = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * sin contar = not including, excluding.
    * sin contar con = in the absence of.
    * sin contenido = contentless, trivial.
    * sin contratiempos = smoothly.
    * sin control = uncontrolled.
    * sin controlar = unsupervised.
    * sin convicción = doubtfully, lamely.
    * sin coordinación = uncoordinated [unco-ordinated].
    * sin corregir = unamended, uncorrected, unrevised.
    * sin correlacionar = uncorrelated.
    * sin corroborar = unsubstantiated.
    * sin cortapisas = untrammelled.
    * sin cortar = uncut.
    * sin coscarse = without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin costas = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin coste alguno = at no personal cost, at no cost, without cost, costless, without charge, free of charge, free of cost, cost free, for free, at no charge.
    * sin costo adicional alguno = at no extra charge, at no extra cost, at no extra charge.
    * sin costuras = seamless.
    * sin crecimiento = non-growth.
    * sin créditos = non-credit.
    * sin criterio alguno = indiscriminate, indiscriminately.
    * sin cuajar = runny [runnier -comp., runniest -sup.].
    * sin cuantificar = unmeasured.
    * sin cubrir = unfilled.
    * sin cuestionarlo = uncritically.
    * sin cultura = uncultured.
    * sin daños = undamaged.
    * sin dar basto = left, right and centre.
    * sin darle importancia = airily.
    * sin darme cuenta = before I know what's happened.
    * sin darnos cuenta = out of sight.
    * sin darse cuenta = inadvertently, unwittingly, unknowingly, without realising, without noticing, unconsciously.
    * sin debatir = undiscussed.
    * sin decir nada = dumbly.
    * sin decir ni mú = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir ni pío = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.
    * sin defecto = untainted, unblemished.
    * sin dejar huella = into thin air.
    * sin dejar nada fuera = the works!.
    * sin dejar rastro = into thin air.
    * sin dejarse amedrentar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse amilanar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse desanimar = undaunted.
    * sin dejarse intimidar por = undaunted by.
    * sin delimitar = unmapped.
    * sin demora = on the spot, straight away, without delay, at short notice, promptly, right away, at once.
    * sin demorarse un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin demoras = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin desarrollar = undeveloped.
    * sin descansar = without (a) rest.
    * sin descanso = relentlessly, restlessly, breathlessly, unabated, without a break, without (a) rest, day in and day out, without respite.
    * sin descanso, sin un descanso, sin parar, sin descansar, sin interrupción = without a break.
    * sin descubrir = undiscovered.
    * sin descuento = undiscounted.
    * sin desdoblarse = unfolded.
    * sin desearlo = unwantedly.
    * sin desgastar = unworn.
    * sin desperdiciar un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin determinación de culpabilidad = no-fault.
    * sin determinar = undefined.
    * sin detonar = unexploded.
    * sin deudas = debt free.
    * sin dientes = toothless.
    * sin diferencias = undifferentiated.
    * sin dificultad = without difficulty.
    * sin dificultad alguna = without a hitch.
    * sin diluir = undiluted.
    * sin dinero = impecunious.
    * sin dinero en metálico = cashless.
    * sin discapacidad = able-bodied.
    * sin discapacidades = able-bodied.
    * sin disciplina = undisciplined, ill-disciplined.
    * sin discriminar = indiscriminate, on equal terms.
    * sin discutir = no arguments!, undiscussed.
    * sin disminuir = non-decreasing, unabated.
    * sin disolver = undiluted.
    * sin disponer de = in the absence of.
    * sin división espacial = spatially unstructured.
    * sin doblarse = unfolded.
    * sin documentar = undocumented.
    * sin dolor = painless.
    * sin domicilio fijo = of no fixed abode.
    * sin drenar = undrained.
    * sin duda = doubtless, no doubt, of course, surely, to be sure, undoubtedly, indubitably, without a doubt, without doubt, no mistake, hands down.
    * sin duda alguna = without any doubt.
    * sin dudar = without a doubt.
    * sin dudarlo = without hesitation.
    * sin editar = unedited.
    * sin el menor asomo de duda = without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin embargo = however, nevertheless, still, yet, that being said, all this said.
    * sin emitir humo = smokeless.
    * sin empleo = jobless.
    * sin encuadernar = unbound.
    * sin energía = lethargic.
    * sin engorros = hassle-free.
    * sin entallar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin enterrar = unburied.
    * sin entusiasmo = half-hearted [halfhearted].
    * sin envolver = unwrapped.
    * sin errores = error-free.
    * sin escatimar = without stint, unstintingly.
    * sin escenificar = unproduced.
    * sin escrúpulos = unscrupulous, unconscionable, without scruples, unprincipled.
    * sin escurrir = undrained.
    * sin esfuerzo = effortless, effortlessly.
    * sin esfuerzo alguno = effortlessly.
    * sin especializar = non-specialised.
    * sin especificar = unspecified.
    * sin esperanza = hopeless, dispiritedly, hopelessly.
    * sin esperarlo = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin espinas = boneless.
    * sin estar obstaculizado por = untrammelled by.
    * sin estilo = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin estructura = unstructured.
    * sin estudios = ill-educated.
    * sin evaluar = unevaluated.
    * sin examinar = unexamined.
    * sin exceder el presupuesto = budgetable.
    * sin excepción = without exception, without fail.
    * sin excesivo rigor = loosely.
    * sin excusa justificada = unexcused.
    * sin existencias = out-of-stock.
    * sin éxito = unsuccessful.
    * sin experiencia = inexperience, callow [callower -comp., callowest -sup.].
    * sin explicar = unexplained.
    * sin explorar = unexplored.
    * sin explotar = untapped, unexploded.
    * sin extras = no-frills.
    * sin fallar = without fail.
    * sin fallos = flawlessly.
    * sin falta = without fail.
    * sin fecha = undated.
    * sin fechar = undated.
    * sin fianza = without bail.
    * sin fin = never-finishing, never-ending, bottomless, interminably, unending.
    * sin finalidad = purposeless.
    * sin financiación = unfunded.
    * sin fines lucrativos = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * sin firma = unsigned.
    * sin firmar = unsigned.
    * sin fondo = bottomless.
    * sin forma = bodilessly, formless.
    * sin formación = ill-educated.
    * sin formación previa = untrained.
    * sin forrar = uncovered.
    * sin fronteras = borderless.
    * sin fundamento = unwarranted, unsupported, ungrounded, without foundation, without basis.
    * sin fundamento alguno = without any basis.
    * sin ganas = half-heartedly.
    * sin gastos = no cost(s).
    * sin grabar = unengraved.
    * sin gracia = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin grasa = nonfat.
    * sin grasas = nonfat, fat free.
    * sin guardar una correlación = uncorrelated.
    * sin haber contacto = non-contact.
    * sin haber pasado por la calandria = uncalendered.
    * sin habla = speechless.
    * sin hacer = undone.
    * sin hacer caso = regardless.
    * sin hacer distinciones = one size fits all.
    * sin hacer ruido = as quiet as a mouse, furtively, softly.
    * sin herrar = unshod.
    * sin hilación = rambling.
    * sin hogar = homeless.
    * sin hueso = boneless.
    * sin humo = smokeless.
    * sin humor = humourless [humorless, -USA].
    * sin humos = smoke-free.
    * sin idea = clueless.
    * sin ideas preconcebidas = open mind.
    * sin identificar = unidentified, unmapped, unnamed.
    * sin igual = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin impedimentos = unimpeded.
    * sin importancia = negligible, unimportant, trifling, immaterial, of no consequence.
    * sin importar = regardless of, independently of, disregarding.
    * sin importar + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * sin importar el tiempo = all-weather.
    * sin importar las consecuencias = regardless of the consequences.
    * sin importar qué = no matter what/which.
    * sin impuestos = duty-free, tax-free.
    * sin impurezas = purified.
    * sin incluir = unlisted, exclusive of, not including, excluding.
    * sin incluir las comidas = self-catering.
    * sin índice = indexless.
    * sin + Infinitivo = without + Gerundio.
    * sin información sobre el estado anterior = stateless.
    * sin inhibiciones = uninhibited.
    * sin inmutarse = undeterred, impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin intención = involuntarily.
    * sin interés = unexciting, uninteresting, unmoving, vapid.
    * sin interrupción = continuously, without a break, without (a) rest, in an unbroken line.
    * sin interrupciones = in a single phase.
    * sin intervención de un intermediario = disintermediated.
    * sin intervención directa = nonobtrusive.
    * sin investigar = unresearched.
    * sin justificación = unreasonably, unjustified.
    * sin justificación alguna = wantonly.
    * sin justificar = unjustified.
    * sin la amenaza de = unthreatened (by).
    * sin la ayuda de nadie = single-handed, single-handedly.
    * sin la debida autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], warrantless.
    * sin la debida consideración = without due consideration.
    * sin la más mínima duda = without the shadow of a doubt, without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la más mínima duda = beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la menor duda = no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin la menor idea = clueless.
    * sin la menor sombra de duda = without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la suficiente financiación = underfinanced [under-financed].
    * sin lavar = unwashed.
    * sin leer = unread.
    * sin levadura = unleavened.
    * sin licencia = unlicensed.
    * sin líder = leaderless.
    * sin limitaciones = without stint, without limit.
    * sin límite = without limit, without stint, interminably.
    * sin límite(s) = unbounded, unfettered, unstinting, unstintingly, the sky is the limit.
    * sin litoral = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin llamar la atención = inconspicuously.
    * sin lógica ni explicación = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin lugar a dudas = conclusively, undeniably, unquestionably, without any doubt, by all accounts, no mistake, no doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be sure.
    * sin lujos = no-frills.
    * sin luna = moonless.
    * sin luz de luna = moonless.
    * sin madera = woodfree.
    * sin madurar = unripened.
    * sin maldad = guileless.
    * sin malicia = guileless.
    * sin mancha = unblemished, untainted, stainless.
    * sin mangas = sleeveless.
    * sin mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * sin marcar = unpriced.
    * sin marca registrada = non-proprietary.
    * sin más = out of hand, unceremoniously, unceremonious.
    * sin más dilación = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado, without warning.
    * sin más ni más = unceremoniously, unceremonious, for the love of it, without much ado.
    * sin más preámbulos = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado.
    * sin medir = unmeasured.
    * sin mencionar = not to mention, not to say, not to speak of.
    * sin meternos en el hecho de que = to say nothing of.
    * sin mezcla = unmixed.
    * sin mezclar = unmixed.
    * sin miedo = with confidence.
    * sin miramientos = unceremoniously.
    * sin misericordia = ruthlessly.
    * sin modificar = unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin molestias = hassle-free.
    * sin motivo alguno = wantonly.
    * sin motivo aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin motivo justificado = without justified reason.
    * sin moverse del sitio = in place.
    * sin movimiento = unmoving, motionless.
    * sin mucha antelación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha anticipación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha dificultad = painlessly.
    * sin muchas contemplaciones = unceremoniously.
    * sin muchos inconvenientes = without much grudging.
    * sin nada de gracia = unfunny.
    * sin nada que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin necesidad de ello = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin necesidad de pensar = thought-free.
    * sin ninguna duda = without question, without any doubt, beyond doubt, beyond any doubt, no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin ningún cosste = without cost.
    * sin ningún coste = without charge, free of charge, at no cost, free of cost, cost free, for free, costless, at no charge.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo = effortlessly.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo mental = thought-free.
    * sin ningún género de duda = without any doubt whatsoever, without any doubt whatsoever.
    * sin ningún género de dudas = indisputably.
    * sin ningún motivo = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin ningún nivel de especialización = unskilled.
    * sin ningún otro motivo = (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * sin ningún remedio posible = beyond redemption.
    * sin ningún reparo = unabashed.
    * sin ningún resultado = to no avail, without any avail, of no avail.
    * sin ningún tipo de restricciones = no holds barred.
    * sin nombrar = unnamed.
    * sin norte = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin notar la diferencia = seamlessly, seamless.
    * sin nubes = unclouded, uncloudy, cloudless.
    * sin numeración = unnumbered.
    * sin numerar = unnumbered.
    * sin obligaciones = at leisure.
    * sin obstáculos = unchecked, unhindered, unimpeded, unobstructed.
    * sin obstáculos de por medio = uncluttered.
    * sin obstrucciones = unobstructed.
    * sin olor = odourless [odorless, -USA].
    * sin olvidar = not to mention.
    * sin operario = unmanned.
    * sin oposición = without opposition, unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin orden = unordered.
    * sin ordenar = unordered, unsorted.
    * sin orden ni concierto = higgledy-piggledy, without rhyme or reason.
    * sin originalidad = unoriginal.
    * sin palabras = wordless.
    * sin papel = paperless.
    * sin par = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unique, without peer, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin paralelo = unparalleled.
    * sin parangón = unparalleled, unequalled, without peer, matchless.
    * sin parar = steadily, non-stop, without a break, without (a) rest, on-the-go, interminably, without respite, without stopping.
    * sin parar a pensárselo = off-hand [offhand].
    * sin pararse a pensar = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin patente = non-proprietary.
    * sin pausa = breathlessly.
    * sin peculio = impecunious.
    * sin peligro alguno = safely.
    * sin pelo = hairless.
    * sin pelos en la lengua = outspokenly.
    * sin pensar = mindlessly.
    * sin pensar (en) = unmindful of, with little or no thought of, without thinking (about).
    * sin pensarlo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensarlo demasiado = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo detenidamente = out of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo mucho = off the top of + Posesivo + head, right off the bat.
    * sin pensárselo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensárselo dos veces = without a second thought, spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment, at the drop of a hat.
    * sin pepitas = seedless.
    * sin percatarse = without realising, without noticing, unconsciously, unknowingly, unwittingly.
    * sin perder de vista = with an eye on.
    * sin perder un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin pérdida = lossless.
    * sin perjuicio de = notwithstanding.
    * sin perjuicios = open mind.
    * sin permiso = without permission, unlicensed.
    * sin pestañear = impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin pico = flat-topped.
    * sin piedad = ruthlessly, remorseless, mercilessly.
    * sin piel = skinless.
    * sin pies ni cabeza = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin pistas = clueless.
    * sin planificar = unplanned.
    * sin poblar = unpopulated.
    * sin poder contenerse = helplessly.
    * sin poder dormir = sleepless.
    * sin poder extinguirlo = inextinguishably.
    * sin poder hacer nada = helplessly.
    * sin poner en duda la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspension of disbelief.
    * sin poner en escena = unproduced.
    * sin ponerlo en duda = uncritically.
    * sin ponerse en duda = unquestioned.
    * sin precedente = unparalleled, unexampled.
    * sin precedentes = unprecedented, record breaking, record-high, all-time.
    * sin precio = unpriced.
    * sin preguntar = unasked.
    * sin prejuicios = open-minded, fair-minded [fairminded].
    * sin prentesiones = unpretentious.
    * sin preocupaciones = carefree, worry-free.
    * sin preparación técnica = non-technical.
    * sin préstamo = non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * sin prestar atención = mindlessly.
    * sin pretensiones = unassuming, humble [humbler -comp., humblest -sup.].
    * sin previo aviso = unannounced, without warning, without notice, without prior notice, without prior notification, on spec, at the drop of a hat, without (any) further notice.
    * sin principios = unscrupulous, unprincipled.
    * sin prisa(s) = unhurriedly, leisurely.
    * sin problemas = smoothly, smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.], problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free], without a hitch, unproblematically, carefree, without difficulty, in good standing.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * sin procesar = unprocessed.
    * sin propiedades = propertyless.
    * sin propiedad rural = landless.
    * sin protección = unprotected.
    * sin provocación = unprovoked.
    * sin publicar = unpublished.
    * sin pulir = unpolished.
    * sin quejarse = uncomplaining, uncomplainingly.
    * sin quemar = unburned.
    * sin querer = involuntarily, unwilling, by accident, accidentally, unintentionally, unwantedly.
    * sin querer + Infinitivo = unwilling to + Infinitivo.
    * sin quererlo = unwantedly.
    * sin que se entienda = slurred.
    * sin que se note la diferencia = seamlessly.
    * sin rabo = ecaudate.
    * sin razón = wanton, for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin razón justificada = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón justificda = for no particular reason.
    * sin recelo = with confidence.
    * sin receta médica = over the counter.
    * sin reclamar = unredeemed.
    * sin recoger = uncollected.
    * sin reconocer = unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * sin reconocimiento de créditos = non-credit.
    * sin recopilar = uncollected.
    * sin recursos = resource-starved.
    * sin refinar = unrefined.
    * sin reflexionar = rashly.
    * sin registrar = unlisted.
    * sin reglamentar = unregulated.
    * sin regular = unregulated.
    * sin regularizar = unregulated.
    * sin relación = unrelated, unconnected.
    * sin relación con = unrelated to.
    * sin remedio = beyond repair, incurably, incorrigibly.
    * sin remordimientos = no-looking-back.
    * sin reparar = unrepaired.
    * sin reparo = unashamed.
    * sin reparos = unshielded.
    * sin representación = unrepresented.
    * sin reserva = unconditionally, unreserved.
    * sin reservas = unshielded, wholehearted [whole-hearted], go + the whole hog, the full monty, without reservation, wholeheartedly [whole-heartedly], forthright, categorical, uncompromising, uncompromisingly, unqualified, categoric, unmitigaged, unreserved, unreservedly.
    * sin residencia fija = of no fixed abode.
    * sin resistencia = unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin resistirse = passively.
    * sin resolver = unresolved, unsolved, unsettled, uncleared.
    * sin respiro = without a break, without (a) rest, without respite.
    * sin responder = unanswered.
    * sin restricciones = unrestricted, unlimited, uninhibited, unrestrictive, unfettered, free-flowing, without stint, without limit, no holds barred, unencumbered.
    * sin restricciones de horario = unscheduled.
    * sin retirar = uncleared, uncollected.
    * sin retrasos = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin revelar = undisclosed, unrevealed.
    * sin revestir = uncoated.
    * sin revisar = unrevised.
    * sin riesgo = riskless.
    * sin rodeos = head-on, baldly, bluntly, outspokenly.
    * sin ruido = soundless.
    * sin rumbo = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin saberlo = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].
    * sin sabor = tasteless.
    * sin saldar = uncollected.
    * sin salida al mar = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin sanción = unsanctioned.
    * sin seleccionar = unselected.
    * sin semillas = seedless.
    * sin sentido = meaningless, purposeless, pointless, senseless, wanton, nonsensical, unconscious.
    * sin sentir ningún reparo = unashamed.
    * sin sentir vergüenza = shamelessly.
    * sin ser afectado = untouched.
    * sin ser anunciado de antemano = unannounced.
    * sin ser consciente de ello = unbeknownst to, unbeknown to.
    * sin ser detectado = undetected.
    * sin ser evaluado por expertos = unrefereed.
    * sin ser necesario = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin ser percibido = out of sight.
    * sin ser superado = unsurpassed.
    * sin ser visto = unseen, undetected, unobserved, out of sight.
    * sin significado = meaningless.
    * sin simplificar = unabridged.
    * * *

    cerveza sin alcohol — non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer

    una pareja sin hijos — a couple with no children, a childless couple


    sin + inf — ( con significado activo) without -ing


    sin + inf — ( con significado pasivo)


    sin que + subj: no voy a ir sin que me inviten I'm not going if I haven't been invited; quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta — get it off him without his o without him noticing

    * * *

    Ex: Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully = Sin las RCAA es dudoso que la catalogación automatizada se hubiera implementado tan fácilmente y con tanto éxito, relativamente hablando.

    * abogado sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * acercarse sin ser visto = sidle up to.
    * afable pero sin sinceridad = suave.
    * agua sin gas = still water.
    * andar sin prisa = mosey.
    * arreglárselas sin = live without, get along without.
    * aunque sin ningún resultado = but (all) to no avail.
    * barato pero sin avergonzarse de ello = cheap and cheerful.
    * biblioteca sin muros = library without walls.
    * biblioteca sin paredes = library without walls.
    * bordado sin consido = needlepoint lace.
    * callejón sin salida = blind alley, catch 22, cul-de-sac, dead end, impasse.
    * camino sin rumbo = the road to nowhere.
    * casi sin previo aviso = without much notice.
    * coche sin caballos = horseless carriage automobile, horseless carriage.
    * colocado sin escalón entre pieza y pieza = edge-flush.
    * continuar sin detenerse = go straight ahead.
    * conversación sin trascendencia = small-talk.
    * decir rápidamente sin parar = rattle off.
    * dejar a Alguien sin aliento = leave + Nombre + breathless.
    * dejar sin cambiar = leave + unchanged.
    * dejar sin hacer = leave + undone.
    * dejar sin referente a una referencia anafórica = dangle + anaphoric reference.
    * dejar sin tocar = leave + Nombre + alone.
    * dejar sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * demanda sin variaciones = inelastic demand.
    * demostrar sin lugar a dudas = prove + conclusively.
    * demostrar sin ninguna duda = demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.
    * demostrar sin ningún género de duda = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, demonstrate + emphatically, demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt.
    * desarrollarse sin problemas = go + smoothly.
    * estar sin vivir = be worried sick.
    * evaluación sin intervención del examinador = unobtrusive testing.
    * hablando sin rodeos = crudely put.
    * hablar sin parar = burble on.
    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues.
    * hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.
    * homicidio sin premeditación = manslaughter.
    * ir a un Sitio sin prisa = mosey.
    * lanzarse sin ton ni son = dive + head-first.
    * más largo que un día sin pan = as long as (my/your) arm.
    * medicamento sin receta médica = over the counter medicine.
    * método de la media sin ponderar = unweighted means method.
    * nación sin estado = stateless nation.
    * noche sin poder dormir = sleepless night.
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no sin fundamento = not without basis.
    * oficina sin papel = paperless office.
    * papel sin acidez = acid-free paper.
    * pasar desadvertido, pasar sin ser visto = sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar sin = live without, live without.
    * pasar sin ser visto = go + unnoticed.
    * película sin fin = filmloop [film loop/film-loop].
    * permanecer sin cambios = remain + unchanged.
    * permanecer sin especificar = remain + undefined.
    * pero sin conseguirlo = but no dice.
    * pero sin suerte = but no dice.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * personas sin hogar = homelessness.
    * personas sin techo = homelessness.
    * político sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * pozo sin fondo = bottomless pit.
    * pregunta sin respuesta = unanswerable question.
    * publicación sin papel = paperless publishing.
    * quedarse sin aliento = run out of + breath.
    * quedarse sin habla = stun into + speechlessness.
    * quedarse sin negocio = go out of + business.
    * quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness.
    * rechazar sin más = dismiss + out of hand.
    * referencia anafórica sin referente = dangling anaphoric reference.
    * rima sin sentido = nonsense, nonsense verse.
    * salir sin ser visto = slip out.
    * sin abrir = unopened.
    * sin abrirse = unfolded.
    * sin abrochar = undone.
    * sin acabar = unfinished.
    * sin acentuar = unaccented.
    * sin acontecimientos que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin adornos = unadorned, unvarnished.
    * sin afectar = unaffected.
    * sin afeitar = unshaven.
    * sin afeitar desde hace varios días = stubbly [stubblier -comp., stubbliest -sup.].
    * sin afiliación a un partido político = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * sin afiliación religiosa = non-sectarian [nonsectarian].
    * sin agua = waterless.
    * sin aguja = needleless.
    * sin ajustar = unadjusted, loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin alcohol = alcoholfree.
    * sin aliento = breathlessly, breathless.
    * sin alinear = unjustified.
    * sin alterar = unaltered, unmodified.
    * sin ambigüedad = unambiguous.
    * sin amor = loveless.
    * sin analizar = unexamined, unanalysed.
    * sin ánimo = despondently.
    * sin ánimo de lucro = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making, not-for-profit, generously.
    * sin apenas ser oído = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin apoyo = unsupported.
    * sin apretar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin árboles = treeless.
    * sin arreglo = beyond repair.
    * sin arrepentimiento = no-looking-back.
    * sin asignar = unallocated.
    * sin asignar todavía = unassigned.
    * sin asimilar = undigested.
    * sin atajar = unconfronted.
    * sin atractivo = unattractive.
    * sin atrasos = paid-up, in good standing.
    * sin autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unlicensed.
    * sin avergonzarse = unashamed.
    * sin avisar = unannounced, out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin aviso previo = without warning.
    * sin ayuda = unaided, unassisted.
    * sin ayuda de nadie = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * sin barba = beardless.
    * sin barnizar = unvarnished.
    * sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.
    * sin blanca = broke, skint.
    * sin blanquear = unbleached.
    * sin blindar = unshielded.
    * sin bombo(s) ni platillo(s) = without much ado.
    * sin brillo = dull, tarnished.
    * sin cabeza = headless, decapitated.
    * sin cables = wireless.
    * sin cafeina = decaffeinated.
    * sin calorías = calorieless.
    * sin cambio = inviolate.
    * sin cambios = monotone, stable, undisturbed, unchanged, unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin cancelar = uncancelled.
    * sin canjear = unredeemed.
    * sin cansancio = indefatigably.
    * sin capacidad de discernimiento = undiscriminating.
    * sin cara = faceless.
    * sin carácter = boneless, spineless.
    * sin carne = meatless.
    * sin castigo = impunitive, unpunished.
    * sin catalogar = uncatalogued [uncataloged, -USA].
    * sin causa alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin causa aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin causa justificada = without justified reason.
    * sin causar daño = harmlessly.
    * sin ceremonias = unceremonious, unceremoniously.
    * sin cerrar con llave = unlocked.
    * sin certeza de cobrar = on spec.
    * sin cesar = steadily.
    * sin clases sociales = classless.
    * sin clavos = studless.
    * sin clemencia = mercilessly.
    * sin cobrar = free of charge, unredeemed, uncollected.
    * sin cohesión = scrappily, scrappy [scrappier -comp., scrappiest -sup.], bitty [bittier -comp., bittiest -sup.].
    * sin cohibiciones = unselfconsciously.
    * sin cola = ecaudate.
    * sin columnas = single-column.
    * sin comentar = unannotated.
    * sin comerlo ni beberlo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin comérselo ni bebérselo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin compasión = mercilessly.
    * sin complicaciones = smoothly, boilerplate [boiler plate], uncomplicated, straightforward, uncomplicatedly, hassle-free.
    * sin comprimir = uncompressed.
    * sin comprobar = untested.
    * sin compromiso = without obligation, fancy-free.
    * sin compromisos = with no strings attached.
    * sin concluir = unfinished.
    * sin concretar = to be decided.
    * sin condiciones = unconditionally.
    * sin condiciones especiales = with no strings attached.
    * sin confirmar = unconfirmed, unsubstantiated, unvalidated, to be confirmed.
    * sin conocer = ignorant of.
    * sin conocimiento = unconscious.
    * sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anteriormente = stateless.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anterior = stateless.
    * sin constancia de ello = unrecorded.
    * sin consumir = nonconsumptive.
    * sin contacto = non-contact.
    * sin contaminar = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * sin contar = not including, excluding.
    * sin contar con = in the absence of.
    * sin contenido = contentless, trivial.
    * sin contratiempos = smoothly.
    * sin control = uncontrolled.
    * sin controlar = unsupervised.
    * sin convicción = doubtfully, lamely.
    * sin coordinación = uncoordinated [unco-ordinated].
    * sin corregir = unamended, uncorrected, unrevised.
    * sin correlacionar = uncorrelated.
    * sin corroborar = unsubstantiated.
    * sin cortapisas = untrammelled.
    * sin cortar = uncut.
    * sin coscarse = without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin costas = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin coste alguno = at no personal cost, at no cost, without cost, costless, without charge, free of charge, free of cost, cost free, for free, at no charge.
    * sin costo adicional alguno = at no extra charge, at no extra cost, at no extra charge.
    * sin costuras = seamless.
    * sin crecimiento = non-growth.
    * sin créditos = non-credit.
    * sin criterio alguno = indiscriminate, indiscriminately.
    * sin cuajar = runny [runnier -comp., runniest -sup.].
    * sin cuantificar = unmeasured.
    * sin cubrir = unfilled.
    * sin cuestionarlo = uncritically.
    * sin cultura = uncultured.
    * sin daños = undamaged.
    * sin dar basto = left, right and centre.
    * sin darle importancia = airily.
    * sin darme cuenta = before I know what's happened.
    * sin darnos cuenta = out of sight.
    * sin darse cuenta = inadvertently, unwittingly, unknowingly, without realising, without noticing, unconsciously.
    * sin debatir = undiscussed.
    * sin decir nada = dumbly.
    * sin decir ni mú = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir ni pío = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.
    * sin defecto = untainted, unblemished.
    * sin dejar huella = into thin air.
    * sin dejar nada fuera = the works!.
    * sin dejar rastro = into thin air.
    * sin dejarse amedrentar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse amilanar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse desanimar = undaunted.
    * sin dejarse intimidar por = undaunted by.
    * sin delimitar = unmapped.
    * sin demora = on the spot, straight away, without delay, at short notice, promptly, right away, at once.
    * sin demorarse un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin demoras = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin desarrollar = undeveloped.
    * sin descansar = without (a) rest.
    * sin descanso = relentlessly, restlessly, breathlessly, unabated, without a break, without (a) rest, day in and day out, without respite.
    * sin descanso, sin un descanso, sin parar, sin descansar, sin interrupción = without a break.
    * sin descubrir = undiscovered.
    * sin descuento = undiscounted.
    * sin desdoblarse = unfolded.
    * sin desearlo = unwantedly.
    * sin desgastar = unworn.
    * sin desperdiciar un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin determinación de culpabilidad = no-fault.
    * sin determinar = undefined.
    * sin detonar = unexploded.
    * sin deudas = debt free.
    * sin dientes = toothless.
    * sin diferencias = undifferentiated.
    * sin dificultad = without difficulty.
    * sin dificultad alguna = without a hitch.
    * sin diluir = undiluted.
    * sin dinero = impecunious.
    * sin dinero en metálico = cashless.
    * sin discapacidad = able-bodied.
    * sin discapacidades = able-bodied.
    * sin disciplina = undisciplined, ill-disciplined.
    * sin discriminar = indiscriminate, on equal terms.
    * sin discutir = no arguments!, undiscussed.
    * sin disminuir = non-decreasing, unabated.
    * sin disolver = undiluted.
    * sin disponer de = in the absence of.
    * sin división espacial = spatially unstructured.
    * sin doblarse = unfolded.
    * sin documentar = undocumented.
    * sin dolor = painless.
    * sin domicilio fijo = of no fixed abode.
    * sin drenar = undrained.
    * sin duda = doubtless, no doubt, of course, surely, to be sure, undoubtedly, indubitably, without a doubt, without doubt, no mistake, hands down.
    * sin duda alguna = without any doubt.
    * sin dudar = without a doubt.
    * sin dudarlo = without hesitation.
    * sin editar = unedited.
    * sin el menor asomo de duda = without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin embargo = however, nevertheless, still, yet, that being said, all this said.
    * sin emitir humo = smokeless.
    * sin empleo = jobless.
    * sin encuadernar = unbound.
    * sin energía = lethargic.
    * sin engorros = hassle-free.
    * sin entallar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin enterrar = unburied.
    * sin entusiasmo = half-hearted [halfhearted].
    * sin envolver = unwrapped.
    * sin errores = error-free.
    * sin escatimar = without stint, unstintingly.
    * sin escenificar = unproduced.
    * sin escrúpulos = unscrupulous, unconscionable, without scruples, unprincipled.
    * sin escurrir = undrained.
    * sin esfuerzo = effortless, effortlessly.
    * sin esfuerzo alguno = effortlessly.
    * sin especializar = non-specialised.
    * sin especificar = unspecified.
    * sin esperanza = hopeless, dispiritedly, hopelessly.
    * sin esperarlo = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin espinas = boneless.
    * sin estar obstaculizado por = untrammelled by.
    * sin estilo = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin estructura = unstructured.
    * sin estudios = ill-educated.
    * sin evaluar = unevaluated.
    * sin examinar = unexamined.
    * sin exceder el presupuesto = budgetable.
    * sin excepción = without exception, without fail.
    * sin excesivo rigor = loosely.
    * sin excusa justificada = unexcused.
    * sin existencias = out-of-stock.
    * sin éxito = unsuccessful.
    * sin experiencia = inexperience, callow [callower -comp., callowest -sup.].
    * sin explicar = unexplained.
    * sin explorar = unexplored.
    * sin explotar = untapped, unexploded.
    * sin extras = no-frills.
    * sin fallar = without fail.
    * sin fallos = flawlessly.
    * sin falta = without fail.
    * sin fecha = undated.
    * sin fechar = undated.
    * sin fianza = without bail.
    * sin fin = never-finishing, never-ending, bottomless, interminably, unending.
    * sin finalidad = purposeless.
    * sin financiación = unfunded.
    * sin fines lucrativos = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * sin firma = unsigned.
    * sin firmar = unsigned.
    * sin fondo = bottomless.
    * sin forma = bodilessly, formless.
    * sin formación = ill-educated.
    * sin formación previa = untrained.
    * sin forrar = uncovered.
    * sin fronteras = borderless.
    * sin fundamento = unwarranted, unsupported, ungrounded, without foundation, without basis.
    * sin fundamento alguno = without any basis.
    * sin ganas = half-heartedly.
    * sin gastos = no cost(s).
    * sin grabar = unengraved.
    * sin gracia = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin grasa = nonfat.
    * sin grasas = nonfat, fat free.
    * sin guardar una correlación = uncorrelated.
    * sin haber contacto = non-contact.
    * sin haber pasado por la calandria = uncalendered.
    * sin habla = speechless.
    * sin hacer = undone.
    * sin hacer caso = regardless.
    * sin hacer distinciones = one size fits all.
    * sin hacer ruido = as quiet as a mouse, furtively, softly.
    * sin herrar = unshod.
    * sin hilación = rambling.
    * sin hogar = homeless.
    * sin hueso = boneless.
    * sin humo = smokeless.
    * sin humor = humourless [humorless, -USA].
    * sin humos = smoke-free.
    * sin idea = clueless.
    * sin ideas preconcebidas = open mind.
    * sin identificar = unidentified, unmapped, unnamed.
    * sin igual = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin impedimentos = unimpeded.
    * sin importancia = negligible, unimportant, trifling, immaterial, of no consequence.
    * sin importar = regardless of, independently of, disregarding.
    * sin importar + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * sin importar el tiempo = all-weather.
    * sin importar las consecuencias = regardless of the consequences.
    * sin importar qué = no matter what/which.
    * sin impuestos = duty-free, tax-free.
    * sin impurezas = purified.
    * sin incluir = unlisted, exclusive of, not including, excluding.
    * sin incluir las comidas = self-catering.
    * sin índice = indexless.
    * sin + Infinitivo = without + Gerundio.
    * sin información sobre el estado anterior = stateless.
    * sin inhibiciones = uninhibited.
    * sin inmutarse = undeterred, impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin intención = involuntarily.
    * sin interés = unexciting, uninteresting, unmoving, vapid.
    * sin interrupción = continuously, without a break, without (a) rest, in an unbroken line.
    * sin interrupciones = in a single phase.
    * sin intervención de un intermediario = disintermediated.
    * sin intervención directa = nonobtrusive.
    * sin investigar = unresearched.
    * sin justificación = unreasonably, unjustified.
    * sin justificación alguna = wantonly.
    * sin justificar = unjustified.
    * sin la amenaza de = unthreatened (by).
    * sin la ayuda de nadie = single-handed, single-handedly.
    * sin la debida autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], warrantless.
    * sin la debida consideración = without due consideration.
    * sin la más mínima duda = without the shadow of a doubt, without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la más mínima duda = beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la menor duda = no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin la menor idea = clueless.
    * sin la menor sombra de duda = without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la suficiente financiación = underfinanced [under-financed].
    * sin lavar = unwashed.
    * sin leer = unread.
    * sin levadura = unleavened.
    * sin licencia = unlicensed.
    * sin líder = leaderless.
    * sin limitaciones = without stint, without limit.
    * sin límite = without limit, without stint, interminably.
    * sin límite(s) = unbounded, unfettered, unstinting, unstintingly, the sky is the limit.
    * sin litoral = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin llamar la atención = inconspicuously.
    * sin lógica ni explicación = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin lugar a dudas = conclusively, undeniably, unquestionably, without any doubt, by all accounts, no mistake, no doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be sure.
    * sin lujos = no-frills.
    * sin luna = moonless.
    * sin luz de luna = moonless.
    * sin madera = woodfree.
    * sin madurar = unripened.
    * sin maldad = guileless.
    * sin malicia = guileless.
    * sin mancha = unblemished, untainted, stainless.
    * sin mangas = sleeveless.
    * sin mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * sin marcar = unpriced.
    * sin marca registrada = non-proprietary.
    * sin más = out of hand, unceremoniously, unceremonious.
    * sin más dilación = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado, without warning.
    * sin más ni más = unceremoniously, unceremonious, for the love of it, without much ado.
    * sin más preámbulos = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado.
    * sin medir = unmeasured.
    * sin mencionar = not to mention, not to say, not to speak of.
    * sin meternos en el hecho de que = to say nothing of.
    * sin mezcla = unmixed.
    * sin mezclar = unmixed.
    * sin miedo = with confidence.
    * sin miramientos = unceremoniously.
    * sin misericordia = ruthlessly.
    * sin modificar = unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin molestias = hassle-free.
    * sin motivo alguno = wantonly.
    * sin motivo aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin motivo justificado = without justified reason.
    * sin moverse del sitio = in place.
    * sin movimiento = unmoving, motionless.
    * sin mucha antelación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha anticipación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha dificultad = painlessly.
    * sin muchas contemplaciones = unceremoniously.
    * sin muchos inconvenientes = without much grudging.
    * sin nada de gracia = unfunny.
    * sin nada que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin necesidad de ello = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin necesidad de pensar = thought-free.
    * sin ninguna duda = without question, without any doubt, beyond doubt, beyond any doubt, no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin ningún cosste = without cost.
    * sin ningún coste = without charge, free of charge, at no cost, free of cost, cost free, for free, costless, at no charge.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo = effortlessly.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo mental = thought-free.
    * sin ningún género de duda = without any doubt whatsoever, without any doubt whatsoever.
    * sin ningún género de dudas = indisputably.
    * sin ningún motivo = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin ningún nivel de especialización = unskilled.
    * sin ningún otro motivo = (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * sin ningún remedio posible = beyond redemption.
    * sin ningún reparo = unabashed.
    * sin ningún resultado = to no avail, without any avail, of no avail.
    * sin ningún tipo de restricciones = no holds barred.
    * sin nombrar = unnamed.
    * sin norte = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin notar la diferencia = seamlessly, seamless.
    * sin nubes = unclouded, uncloudy, cloudless.
    * sin numeración = unnumbered.
    * sin numerar = unnumbered.
    * sin obligaciones = at leisure.
    * sin obstáculos = unchecked, unhindered, unimpeded, unobstructed.
    * sin obstáculos de por medio = uncluttered.
    * sin obstrucciones = unobstructed.
    * sin olor = odourless [odorless, -USA].
    * sin olvidar = not to mention.
    * sin operario = unmanned.
    * sin oposición = without opposition, unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin orden = unordered.
    * sin ordenar = unordered, unsorted.
    * sin orden ni concierto = higgledy-piggledy, without rhyme or reason.
    * sin originalidad = unoriginal.
    * sin palabras = wordless.
    * sin papel = paperless.
    * sin par = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unique, without peer, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin paralelo = unparalleled.
    * sin parangón = unparalleled, unequalled, without peer, matchless.
    * sin parar = steadily, non-stop, without a break, without (a) rest, on-the-go, interminably, without respite, without stopping.
    * sin parar a pensárselo = off-hand [offhand].
    * sin pararse a pensar = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin patente = non-proprietary.
    * sin pausa = breathlessly.
    * sin peculio = impecunious.
    * sin peligro alguno = safely.
    * sin pelo = hairless.
    * sin pelos en la lengua = outspokenly.
    * sin pensar = mindlessly.
    * sin pensar (en) = unmindful of, with little or no thought of, without thinking (about).
    * sin pensarlo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensarlo demasiado = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo detenidamente = out of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo mucho = off the top of + Posesivo + head, right off the bat.
    * sin pensárselo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensárselo dos veces = without a second thought, spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment, at the drop of a hat.
    * sin pepitas = seedless.
    * sin percatarse = without realising, without noticing, unconsciously, unknowingly, unwittingly.
    * sin perder de vista = with an eye on.
    * sin perder un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin pérdida = lossless.
    * sin perjuicio de = notwithstanding.
    * sin perjuicios = open mind.
    * sin permiso = without permission, unlicensed.
    * sin pestañear = impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin pico = flat-topped.
    * sin piedad = ruthlessly, remorseless, mercilessly.
    * sin piel = skinless.
    * sin pies ni cabeza = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin pistas = clueless.
    * sin planificar = unplanned.
    * sin poblar = unpopulated.
    * sin poder contenerse = helplessly.
    * sin poder dormir = sleepless.
    * sin poder extinguirlo = inextinguishably.
    * sin poder hacer nada = helplessly.
    * sin poner en duda la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspension of disbelief.
    * sin poner en escena = unproduced.
    * sin ponerlo en duda = uncritically.
    * sin ponerse en duda = unquestioned.
    * sin precedente = unparalleled, unexampled.
    * sin precedentes = unprecedented, record breaking, record-high, all-time.
    * sin precio = unpriced.
    * sin preguntar = unasked.
    * sin prejuicios = open-minded, fair-minded [fairminded].
    * sin prentesiones = unpretentious.
    * sin preocupaciones = carefree, worry-free.
    * sin preparación técnica = non-technical.
    * sin préstamo = non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * sin prestar atención = mindlessly.
    * sin pretensiones = unassuming, humble [humbler -comp., humblest -sup.].
    * sin previo aviso = unannounced, without warning, without notice, without prior notice, without prior notification, on spec, at the drop of a hat, without (any) further notice.
    * sin principios = unscrupulous, unprincipled.
    * sin prisa(s) = unhurriedly, leisurely.
    * sin problemas = smoothly, smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.], problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free], without a hitch, unproblematically, carefree, without difficulty, in good standing.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * sin procesar = unprocessed.
    * sin propiedades = propertyless.
    * sin propiedad rural = landless.
    * sin protección = unprotected.
    * sin provocación = unprovoked.
    * sin publicar = unpublished.
    * sin pulir = unpolished.
    * sin quejarse = uncomplaining, uncomplainingly.
    * sin quemar = unburned.
    * sin querer = involuntarily, unwilling, by accident, accidentally, unintentionally, unwantedly.
    * sin querer + Infinitivo = unwilling to + Infinitivo.
    * sin quererlo = unwantedly.
    * sin que se entienda = slurred.
    * sin que se note la diferencia = seamlessly.
    * sin rabo = ecaudate.
    * sin razón = wanton, for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin razón justificada = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón justificda = for no particular reason.
    * sin recelo = with confidence.
    * sin receta médica = over the counter.
    * sin reclamar = unredeemed.
    * sin recoger = uncollected.
    * sin reconocer = unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * sin reconocimiento de créditos = non-credit.
    * sin recopilar = uncollected.
    * sin recursos = resource-starved.
    * sin refinar = unrefined.
    * sin reflexionar = rashly.
    * sin registrar = unlisted.
    * sin reglamentar = unregulated.
    * sin regular = unregulated.
    * sin regularizar = unregulated.
    * sin relación = unrelated, unconnected.
    * sin relación con = unrelated to.
    * sin remedio = beyond repair, incurably, incorrigibly.
    * sin remordimientos = no-looking-back.
    * sin reparar = unrepaired.
    * sin reparo = unashamed.
    * sin reparos = unshielded.
    * sin representación = unrepresented.
    * sin reserva = unconditionally, unreserved.
    * sin reservas = unshielded, wholehearted [whole-hearted], go + the whole hog, the full monty, without reservation, wholeheartedly [whole-heartedly], forthright, categorical, uncompromising, uncompromisingly, unqualified, categoric, unmitigaged, unreserved, unreservedly.
    * sin residencia fija = of no fixed abode.
    * sin resistencia = unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin resistirse = passively.
    * sin resolver = unresolved, unsolved, unsettled, uncleared.
    * sin respiro = without a break, without (a) rest, without respite.
    * sin responder = unanswered.
    * sin restricciones = unrestricted, unlimited, uninhibited, unrestrictive, unfettered, free-flowing, without stint, without limit, no holds barred, unencumbered.
    * sin restricciones de horario = unscheduled.
    * sin retirar = uncleared, uncollected.
    * sin retrasos = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin revelar = undisclosed, unrevealed.
    * sin revestir = uncoated.
    * sin revisar = unrevised.
    * sin riesgo = riskless.
    * sin rodeos = head-on, baldly, bluntly, outspokenly.
    * sin ruido = soundless.
    * sin rumbo = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin saberlo = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].
    * sin sabor = tasteless.
    * sin saldar = uncollected.
    * sin salida al mar = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin sanción = unsanctioned.
    * sin seleccionar = unselected.
    * sin semillas = seedless.
    * sin sentido = meaningless, purposeless, pointless, senseless, wanton, nonsensical, unconscious.
    * sin sentir ningún reparo = unashamed.
    * sin sentir vergüenza = shamelessly.
    * sin ser afectado = untouched.
    * sin ser anunciado de antemano = unannounced.
    * sin ser consciente de ello = unbeknownst to, unbeknown to.
    * sin ser detectado = undetected.
    * sin ser evaluado por expertos = unrefereed.
    * sin ser necesario = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin ser percibido = out of sight.
    * sin ser superado = unsurpassed.
    * sin ser visto = unseen, undetected, unobserved, out of sight.
    * sin significado = meaningless.
    * sin simplificar = unabridged.

    * * *
    A without
    lo tomo con leche y sin azúcar I take milk but no sugar
    reserva garantizada sin recargo guaranteed reservation at no extra cost
    seguimos sin noticias we still haven't had any news
    solicite más información sin compromiso send for more details without obligation
    sin previo aviso with no advance warning
    ¡tírate! ¡sin miedo! jump! don't be scared!
    ¿qué harías tú sin mí? what would you do without me?
    agua mineral sin gas still mineral water
    cerveza sin alcohol non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer
    una pareja sin hijos a couple with no children, a childless couple
    un vuelo sin escalas a non-stop o direct flight
    me quedé sin pan I ran out of bread
    se quedó sin trabajo he lost his job
    una persona totalmente sin escrúpulos a completely unscrupulous person
    1 sin + INF (con significado activo) without -ING
    se fue sin pagar she left without paying
    lo mandaron a la cama sin cenar they sent him to bed without any dinner
    somos diez sin contarlos a ellos there are ten of us not counting them
    estuvo una semana entera sin hablarme she didn't speak to me for a whole week, she went a whole week without speaking to me
    sigo sin entender I still don't understand
    la pisé sin querer I accidentally trod on her foot
    2 sin + INF
    (con significado pasivo): una camisa sin planchar an unironed shirt, a shirt that hasn't/hadn't been ironed
    esto está aún sin terminar this still isn't finished
    C sin QUE + SUBJ:
    los días pasan sin que dé señales de vida the days go by and there is still no word from him, the days go by with no word from him o without any word from him
    no voy a ir sin que me inviten I'm not going if I haven't been invited
    quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta get it off him without his o without him noticing
    * * *


    sin preposición
    1 without;

    seguimos sin noticias we still haven't had any news;
    agua mineral sin gas still mineral water;
    cerveza sin alcohol non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer;
    me quedé sin pan I ran out of bread

    estuvo una semana sin hablarme she didn't speak to me for a week;
    sigo sin entender I still don't understand;
    la pisé sin querer I accidentally trod on her foot

    esto está aún sin terminar it still isn't finished
    3 sin que + subj:

    quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta get it off him without his o without him noticing;
    See Also→ embargo 2
    sin preposición without: se marchó sin ellos, he left without them
    costó mil pesetas, sin contar el IVA, it cost one thousand pesetas, not including VAT
    el edificio estaba sin terminar, the building was unfinished
    entre sin llamar, come in without knocking
    saldré sin que me vea, I'll go out without him seeing
    una bebida sin alcohol, a non-alcoholic drink
    ' sin' also found in these entries:
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - absoluta
    - absoluto
    - accidental
    - acéfala
    - acéfalo
    - agotar
    - agotada
    - agotado
    - agreste
    - ahora
    - ahorcarse
    - ajena
    - ajeno
    - alguna
    - alguno
    - aliento
    - alquilar
    - ambages
    - amorfa
    - amorfo
    - aparente
    - asesinar
    - aviso
    - ayunas
    - bagatela
    - baja
    - bajo
    - bañera
    - berrido
    - bien
    - blanca
    - blanco
    - bocado
    - bregar
    - bruta
    - bruto
    - burbuja
    - caldo
    - calle
    - callejón
    - calva
    - camino
    - caprichosa
    - caprichoso
    - causa
    - cazo
    - cero
    - accident
    - accidental
    - accidentally
    - accustom
    - ado
    - afraid
    - age
    - agree
    - aimless
    - aimlessly
    - all-time
    - ammunition
    - another
    - antsy
    - anyhow
    - arrogant
    - at
    - attach
    - away
    - AWOL
    - babble
    - backbencher
    - backing
    - bare
    - barge in
    - basic
    - bat
    - bean
    - begin
    - behave
    - beyond
    - blank
    - blind alley
    - blue
    - blunt
    - bluntly
    - blurt out
    - boarding card
    - boarding pass
    - book
    - boorish
    - bootstrap
    - bottomless
    - break
    - breath
    - breathless
    - broke
    - busywork
    - buzz off
    * * *
    SIN nf
    1. (abrev de Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional del Perú) = Peruvian national intelligence department
    2. (abrev de Servicio de Inmigración y Naturalización) INS [US Immigration and Naturalization Service]
    * * *
    prp without;
    sin preguntar without asking;
    sin decir nada without (saying) a word;
    sin paraguas without an umbrella;
    sin que without;
    y sin más and without further ado;
    me lo dijo así, sin más that’s all he said to me, just that
    * * *
    sin prep
    1) : without
    sin querer: unintentionally
    sin refinar: unrefined
    sin que : without
    lo hicimos sin que él se diera cuenta: we did it without him noticing
    * * *
    sin prep
    1. (en general) without

    Spanish-English dictionary > sin

  • 19 widać

    praed. z okna widać góry you can see the mountains from the window
    - na tle śniegu widać było wyraźnie jej czerwony sweter her red jumper could be seen plainly against the snow
    - nic nie widać you a. one can’t see anything
    - ledwo coś widać w tej mgle you can hardly see anything in this mist
    - nie było cię widać I/we couldn’t see you
    - nie było go nigdzie widać he was nowhere to be seen
    - „zajęło mi to tylko godzinę” – „to widać” ‘it only took me an hour’ – ‘I can see that’
    - czekamy godzinę, a autobusu ciągle nie widać we’ve been waiting for an hour, and there’s still no sign of the bus
    - widać ci halkę your slip is showing
    - sprawa się ciągnie i końca nie widać the case drags on and there’s still no end in sight
    - stąd widać zamek jak na dłoni you can see the castle as plain as anything from here
    - widać było, jak wymachuje parasolem you could see him/her waving his/her umbrella
    - widać było, że… you could tell that…
    - od razu widać, że to dobry samochód you can tell immediately that it’s a good car
    - widać było po jego minie, że coś zbroił you a. one could tell from his expression that he’d been up to a. he’d done something pot.
    - widać było po nich determinację you could tell they were determined
    - widać, że znają się dobrze you can see (that) they know each other well
    - z tego, co mówił, widać było, że nie ma o sprawie pojęcia from what he said it was obvious that he knew nothing about it
    part. apparently
    - widać wypił za dużo, bo był czerwony jak burak he must have had too much to drink, because he was as red as a beetroot
    jak widać as you can see, as can be seen
    * * *
    1. adv 2. inv

    nic nie widać — I/we {itp.} can't see anything

    * * *
    tylko w formie bezosobowej widać kogoś/coś sb/sth is visible; sb/sth can be seen; widać, że... it is evident that...; one can see that...; to widać it shows; nie było cię widać we couldn't see you; you were hidden from sight; nigdzie ich nie widać they're nowhere to be seen; wciąż nie widać statku the ship is still out of sight; widać ci halkę your petticoat is showing; widać po nim, że pił you can see he's been drinking; widać, że jesteś przygotowany do egzaminu you are evidently well prepared for the exam; ze wzgórza będzie widać miasto jak na dłoni the city will be plainly visible from the hill.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > widać

  • 20 Ende

    n; -s, -n
    1. räumlich: end; am Ende des Zuges einsteigen get in at the back of the train; das vordere / hintere Ende the front (end) ( oder forward end) / the back, the rear (end); das obere / untere Ende the top (end) / bottom (end); das ( letzte) Ende der Wurst the last bit ( oder tail-end umg.) of the sausage; etw. am falschen oder verkehrten Ende anpacken fig. tackle s.th. the wrong way (a)round, put the cart before the horse; am Ende der Welt wohnen umg. live at the back of beyond ( oder way out in the sticks)
    2. nur Sg.; eines Zeitraums: end, close; Ende Januar at the end of January; am oder zu / gegen Ende des Monats at / toward(s) the end of the month; noch vor Ende dieser Woche by the end of this week, before the week is out geh.; bis ans Ende aller Tage oder Zeiten until the end of time; Ende der Dreißigerjahre oder dreißiger Jahre in the late thirties, at the end of the thirties; sie ist Ende zwanzig she’s in her late twenties
    3. (Schluss) end, close; eines Films etc.: ending; Auslaufen eines Vertrags: expiry; einer Frist: end, expiry; (Ergebnis) result, outcome; Ende! FUNK. over!; ohne Ende endless, unending; und damit Ende! and that’s that! ( oder it!); er findet kein Ende he can’t stop, he doesn’t know where ( oder when) to stop; bis zum bitteren Ende to the bitter end; letzten Endes after all, ultimately, in the end, at the end of the day, when all is said and done; die Arbeit geht ihrem Ende entgegen is nearing completion; ohne dass ein Ende abzusehen wäre oder ... und kein Ende in Sicht with no end in sight; das bedeutet das Ende von that’s ( oder that means, that spells) the end of; einer Sache ein Ende machen oder bereiten put a stop ( oder an end) to s.th.; seinem Leben ein Ende machen oder setzen die by one’s own hand geh., end it all umg.; alles hat einmal ein Ende all (good) things come to an end; das muss ein Ende haben oder nehmen it’s got to stop; es nimmt kein Ende it just goes on and on; ein schlimmes oder böses Ende nehmen come to a bad end; mit dir wird es noch ein schlimmes Ende nehmen you’ll come to a bad end; das dicke Ende kommt nach oder noch umg. the worst is yet to come, there’s worse to come, it gets worse; das Ende vom Lied war fig. the end of the story was, what happened in the end was, the upshot of it (all) was umg.; Ende gut, alles gut Sprichw. all’s well that ends well; lieber ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende Sprichw. etwa better bite the bullet ( oder face the music), don’t prolong the agony
    4. am Ende (schließlich) in the end, eventually; (auf die Dauer) in the long run, eventually; am Ende mussten wir hinlaufen we ended ( oder wound umg.) up having to walk (there)
    5. am Ende (fertig, erledigt, kaputt) finished, done, on one’s last legs; ich bin am Ende (kann nicht mehr) I’m finished, I’ve had it umg., Brit. auch I’m all in umg.; der Wagen ist ( ziemlich) am Ende umg. the car’s (just about) had it, the car’s on its last legs; ich bin mit meiner Geduld / meinen Nerven am Ende I’ve been patient (for) long enough / I can’t stand the strain any longer; ich bin mit meinem Latein oder meiner Weisheit am Ende I’ve run out of ideas ( oder suggestions etc.); stärker: I’m at my wits’ end
    6. am Ende (vielleicht, womöglich, etwa) maybe, could be, perhaps; am Ende stimmt das sogar! it could even be true!; meinst du das am Ende ernst? are you actually serious about this?, I’m beginning to think you mean it
    7. zu Ende bringen oder führen finish, complete, see s.th. through; zu Ende gehen (enden) (come to an) end, finish; allmählich: draw to a close; (knapp werden) run short ( oder low); etw. zu Ende denken think s.th. out fully, think s.th. through; zu Ende lesen / schreiben etc. finish (reading / writing etc.); zu Ende sein Schule, Krieg, Wartezeit etc.: be over; Film, Spiel etc.: have finished; Geduld, Vorräte: be at an end, be exhausted, have run out; Vorräte: auch be finished
    8. nur Sg.; lit. (Zweck) end, purpose; zu welchem Ende? to what end?
    9. nur Sg.; lit. euph. (Tod) end; sein Ende nahen fühlen sense that one’s end is near ( oder that one has not long to live); es geht zu Ende mit ihm he’s going ( oder slipping) fast, it won’t be long now
    10. umg. (kleines Stück) bit, piece, scrap; sie hatte ein Ende Schnur in der Tasche she had a ( oder an odd) piece of string in her pocket
    11. nur Sg.; umg.: es ist noch ein ganzes oder ziemliches Ende it’s a long way (off) yet, there’s quite a distance still
    12. Jägerspr., des Geweihs: point
    13. NAUT. line, rope
    * * *
    das Ende
    (Ablauf) expiration;
    (Abschluss) termination; close; windup; ending; finish; end;
    (Ergebnis) result; conclusion; outcome;
    (Tod) quietus
    * * *
    Ẹn|de ['ɛndə]
    nt -s, -n
    end; (eines Jahrhunderts etc auch) close; (= Ausgang, Ergebnis) outcome, result; (= Ausgang eines Films, Romans etc) ending; (HUNT = Geweihende) point; (inf = Stückchen) (small) piece; (inf = Strecke) way, stretch; (NAUT = Tau) (rope's) end

    Ende Mai/der Woche — at the end of May/the week

    er ist Ende vierzighe is in his late forties

    er wohnt am Ende der Welt (inf)he lives at the back of beyond, he lives in the middle of nowhere

    bis ans Ende der Weltto the ends of the earth

    lieber ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende (Prov)it's best to get unpleasant things over and done with

    letzten Endeswhen all is said and done, after all

    ein Ende machento put an end to sth

    (bei or mit etw) kein Ende finden (inf)to be unable to stop (sth or telling/doing etc sth)

    damit muss es jetzt ein Ende habenthere has to be an end to this now, this must stop now

    das nimmt or findet gar kein Ende (inf)there's no sign of it stopping, there's no end to it

    ... und kein Ende —... with no end in sight,... without end

    es war des Staunens/Jubels etc kein Ende (old, liter)there was no end to the surprise/celebrations etc

    es ist noch ein gutes or ganzes Ende (inf)there's still quite a way to go (yet)

    (am) Ende des Monats — at the end of the month

    mit etw am Ende sein — to be at the end of sth, to have reached the end of sth; (Vorrat) to have run out of sth

    ein Problem am richtigen/falschen or verkehrten Ende anfassen — to tackle a problem from the right/wrong end

    Leiden ohne Ende — endless suffering, suffering without end

    zu Ende — finished, over, at an end

    ein Buch/einen Brief zu Ende lesen/schreiben — to finish (reading/writing) a book/letter

    zu Ende gehen — to come to an end; (Vorräte) to run out

    zu dem Ende, dass... (obs) — to the end that... (form)

    zu diesem Ende (obs)to this end (form)

    Ende gut, alles gut (Prov)all's well that ends well (Prov)

    alles hat einmal ein Ende (Prov) — everything must come to an end some time; (angenehme Dinge) all good things must come to an end (Prov)

    * * *
    1) (a stop, end or finish: the close of day; towards the close of the nineteenth century.) close
    2) (the last or farthest part of the length of something: the house at the end of the road; both ends of the room; Put the tables end to end (= with the end of one touching the end of another); ( also adjective) We live in the end house.) end
    3) (the finish or conclusion: the end of the week; The talks have come to an end; The affair is at an end; He is at the end of his strength; They fought bravely to the end; If she wins the prize we'll never hear the end of it (= she will often talk about it).) end
    4) (the end, especially of a story, poem etc: Fairy stories have happy endings.) ending
    * * *
    <-s, -n>
    1. (räumlich) end
    er setzte sich ganz ans \Ende des Tisches he sat down at the far end of the table
    das äußerste \Ende the extreme end
    von allen \Enden from all parts
    am \Ende at the end
    sie wohnt ganz am \Ende der Straße she lives at the far end of the road
    sie ging am \Ende der Prozession she walked at the tail of the procession
    das Telefon befindet sich am \Ende des Zuges the telephone is at the end [or rear] of the train
    das obere/untere \Ende der Treppe the head/foot end of the stairs
    am unteren/oberen \Ende des Tisches at the far end/the head of the table
    am \Ende der Seite at the foot [or the bottom] of the page
    etw zu \Ende lesen/schreiben to finish reading/writing sth
    das spitze \Ende eines Bleistifts the tip of a pencil
    2. kein pl (Zeitpunkt) end no pl
    \Ende August/des Monats/2004 [at] the end of August/the month/2004
    sie kommt gegen \Ende August she's coming towards the end of August
    das \Ende des Jahrhunderts the end [or close] of the century
    sie ist \Ende 1948 geboren she was born at the end of 1948
    bis ans \Ende aller Tage [o Zeiten] until the end of time
    \Ende zwanzig [o 20] sein to be in one's late twenties [or 20s]
    am \Ende der zwanziger [o 20er] Jahre in the late twenties [or 20s
    3. kein pl (Schluss, Abschluss) end no pl
    „\Ende der Durchsage“ “end of the message”
    es ist kein \Ende abzusehen there is no end in sight
    damit muss es jetzt ein \Ende haben this must stop now
    \Ende des Zitats end of the quotation
    am \Ende (fam) finally, at [or in] the end
    bis zum bitteren \Ende to the bitter end
    ein böses [o kein gutes] [o ein unrühmliches] \Ende nehmen to come to a bad end
    bei [o mit] etw dat kein \Ende finden (fam) to not stop doing sth
    einer S. dat ein \Ende machen [o bereiten] to put an end to sth
    das \Ende nahen fühlen to feel the end approaching
    ein \Ende nehmen (fam) to come to an end
    das nimmt gar kein \Ende there's no end to it
    ohne \Ende without end, endless
    Fehler ohne \Ende any number of mistakes
    Qualen ohne \Ende suffering without end, endless suffering
    sich akk ohne \Ende freuen to be terribly pleased, to be delighted
    das \Ende eines Projekts the conclusion of a project
    etw zu \Ende bringen [o führen] to complete sth
    dem \Ende zu gehen to draw to a close
    etw geht zu \Ende sth is nearly finished
    alles geht mal zu [o hat mal ein] \Ende nothing lasts forever, all things must come to an end; (Angenehmes) all good things must come to an end [some time]
    etw zu einem guten \Ende bringen [o führen] to complete sth successfully
    etw zu \Ende lesen to finish reading sth
    zu \Ende sein to finish, to end; (vorbei sein) to be over
    wo ist die Straße zu \Ende? where does the road end?
    der Film ist bald zu \Ende the film finishes soon
    unser Urlaub ist leider zu \Ende unfortunately, our holiday is over [or is finished]
    wann ist die Schule/das Spiel zu \Ende? when is school/the game over?, when does school/the game finish?
    das Spiel ist bald zu \Ende the game will end soon
    die Stunde ist in 10 Minuten zu \Ende the lesson will end [or finish] in ten minutes
    meine Geduld ist zu \Ende my patience has run out
    4. FILM, LIT (Ausgang) ending
    die Geschichte hat ein gutes \Ende the story has a happy ending
    5. kein pl JUR termination no pl; (Ablauf) expiry no pl
    bei \Ende des Vertrags [up]on termination of the contract
    6. kein pl (geh: Tod) end no pl
    er fand ein tragisches \Ende he met a tragic end form
    sie fühlte ihr \Ende nahen she felt that her end was near
    es geht mit ihr zu \Ende she is nearing her end form
    seinem Leben ein \Ende setzen to put an end to one's life form, to commit suicide
    ein \Ende Brot a crust of bread
    8. kein pl (fam: Strecke) way no pl
    von hier bis zum See ist es ein ganzes \Ende it's quite a way from here to the lake
    wir haben noch ein schönes \Ende Weges vor uns we have a considerable way [or fam a pretty long way] to go yet
    9. JAGD (Geweihende) point, tine spec
    das Geweih dieses Hirsches hat zwölf \Enden this stag's antlers have twelve points
    am \Ende [seiner Kräfte] sein (fam) to be at the end of one's tether fam
    mit etw dat am \Ende sein to run out of sth
    er war bei dieser Frage mit seinem Wissen am \Ende this question baffled him
    ich bin mit meiner Geduld/Weisheit am \Ende I've run out of patience/ideas
    das dicke \Ende (fam) the worst
    das \Ende der Fahnenstange (fam) as far as one can go, the limit
    \Ende der Fahnenstange! that's the limit!
    etw akk am falschen \Ende anfassen to begin at the wrong end, to go about sth the wrong way
    \Ende gut, alles gut (prov) all's well that ends well prov
    letzten \Endes (zuletzt) in the end; (immerhin) after all, at the end of the day fig fam
    das \Ende vom Lied (fam) the upshot
    lieber ein \Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne \Ende (prov) it's better to end with a short, sharp shock than to prolong the agony
    am \Ende der Welt (fam) at the back of beyond fam, in the middle of nowhere fam
    sie wohnt am \Ende der Welt she lives at the back of beyond fam
    das \Ende der Welt ist nahe! the end of the world is nigh! poet
    jdm bis ans \Ende der Welt folgen to follow sb to the ends of the earth
    * * *
    das; Endes, Enden
    1) end

    am Ende — at the end; (schließlich) in the end

    am Ende der Welt(scherzh.) at the back of beyond

    am/bis/gegen Ende des Monats/der Woche — at/by/towards the end of the month/week

    zu Ende sein<patience, hostility, war> be at an end

    die Schule/das Kino/das Spiel ist zu Ende — school is over/the film/game has finished

    zu Ende gehen< period of time> come to an end; <supplies, savings> run out; < contract> expire

    etwas zu Ende führen od. bringen — finish something

    Ende gut, alles gut — all's well that ends well (prov.)

    ein/kein Ende nehmen — come to an end/never come to an end

    einer Sache/seinem Leben ein Ende machen od. setzen — (geh.) put an end to something/take one's life

    am Ende sein(ugs.) be at the end of one's tether

    2) (ugs.): (kleines Stück) bit; piece
    3) (ugs.): (Strecke)
    4) (Jägerspr.) point
    * * *
    Ende n; -s, -n
    1. räumlich: end;
    am Ende des Zuges einsteigen get in at the back of the train;
    das vordere/hintere Ende the front (end) ( oder forward end)/the back, the rear (end);
    das obere/untere Ende the top (end)/bottom (end);
    das (letzte) Ende der Wurst the last bit ( oder tail-end umg) of the sausage;
    verkehrten Ende anpacken fig tackle sth the wrong way (a)round, put the cart before the horse;
    am Ende der Welt wohnen umg live at the back of beyond ( oder way out in the sticks)
    2. nur sg; eines Zeitraums: end, close;
    Ende Januar at the end of January;
    am oder
    zu/gegen Ende des Monats at/toward(s) the end of the month;
    noch vor Ende dieser Woche by the end of this week, before the week is out geh;
    Zeiten until the end of time;
    dreißiger Jahre in the late thirties, at the end of the thirties;
    sie ist Ende zwanzig she’s in her late twenties
    3. (Schluss) end, close; eines Films etc: ending; Auslaufen eines Vertrags: expiry; einer Frist: end, expiry; (Ergebnis) result, outcome;
    Ende! RADIO over!;
    ohne Ende endless, unending;
    und damit Ende! and that’s that! ( oder it!);
    er findet kein Ende he can’t stop, he doesn’t know where ( oder when) to stop;
    bis zum bitteren Ende to the bitter end;
    letzten Endes after all, ultimately, in the end, at the end of the day, when all is said and done;
    geht ihrem Ende entgegen is nearing completion;
    und kein Ende in Sicht with no end in sight;
    das bedeutet das Ende von that’s ( oder that means, that spells) the end of;
    bereiten put a stop ( oder an end) to sth;
    setzen die by one’s own hand geh, end it all umg;
    alles hat einmal ein Ende all (good) things come to an end;
    nehmen it’s got to stop;
    es nimmt kein Ende it just goes on and on;
    böses Ende nehmen come to a bad end;
    noch umg the worst is yet to come, there’s worse to come, it gets worse;
    das Ende vom Lied war fig the end of the story was, what happened in the end was, the upshot of it (all) was umg;
    Ende gut, alles gut sprichw all’s well that ends well;
    lieber ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende sprichw etwa better bite the bullet ( oder face the music), don’t prolong the agony
    am Ende (schließlich) in the end, eventually; (auf die Dauer) in the long run, eventually;
    am Ende mussten wir hinlaufen we ended ( oder wound umg) up having to walk (there)
    am Ende (fertig, erledigt, kaputt) finished, done, on one’s last legs;
    ich bin am Ende (kann nicht mehr) I’m finished, I’ve had it umg, Br auch I’m all in umg;
    der Wagen ist (ziemlich) am Ende umg the car’s (just about) had it, the car’s on its last legs;
    ich bin mit meiner Geduld/meinen Nerven am Ende I’ve been patient( for) long enough/I can’t stand the strain any longer;
    meiner Weisheit am Ende I’ve run out of ideas ( oder suggestions etc); stärker: I’m at my wits’ end
    am Ende (vielleicht, womöglich, etwa) maybe, could be, perhaps;
    am Ende stimmt das sogar! it could even be true!;
    meinst du das am Ende ernst? are you actually serious about this?, I’m beginning to think you mean it
    führen finish, complete, see sth through;
    zu Ende gehen (enden) (come to an) end, finish; allmählich: draw to a close; (knapp werden) run short ( oder low);
    etwas zu Ende denken think sth out fully, think sth through;
    zu Ende lesen/schreiben etc finish (reading/writing etc);
    zu Ende sein Schule, Krieg, Wartezeit etc: be over; Film, Spiel etc: have finished; Geduld, Vorräte: be at an end, be exhausted, have run out; Vorräte: auch be finished
    8. nur sg; liter (Zweck) end, purpose;
    zu welchem Ende? to what end?
    9. nur sg; liter euph (Tod) end;
    sein Ende nahen fühlen sense that one’s end is near ( oder that one has not long to live);
    es geht zu Ende mit ihm he’s going ( oder slipping) fast, it won’t be long now
    10. umg (kleines Stück) bit, piece, scrap;
    sie hatte ein Ende Schnur in der Tasche she had a ( oder an odd) piece of string in her pocket
    11. nur sg; umg:
    ziemliches Ende it’s a long way (off) yet, there’s quite a distance still
    12. JAGD, des Geweihs: point
    13. SCHIFF line, rope
    * * *
    das; Endes, Enden
    1) end

    am Ende — at the end; (schließlich) in the end

    am Ende der Welt(scherzh.) at the back of beyond

    am/bis/gegen Ende des Monats/der Woche — at/by/towards the end of the month/week

    zu Ende sein<patience, hostility, war> be at an end

    die Schule/das Kino/das Spiel ist zu Ende — school is over/the film/game has finished

    zu Ende gehen< period of time> come to an end; <supplies, savings> run out; < contract> expire

    etwas zu Ende führen od. bringen — finish something

    Ende gut, alles gut — all's well that ends well (prov.)

    ein/kein Ende nehmen — come to an end/never come to an end

    einer Sache/seinem Leben ein Ende machen od. setzen — (geh.) put an end to something/take one's life

    am Ende sein(ugs.) be at the end of one's tether

    2) (ugs.): (kleines Stück) bit; piece
    3) (ugs.): (Strecke)
    4) (Jägerspr.) point
    * * *
    -n n.
    end n.
    ending n.
    expiration n.
    finish n.
    outcome n.
    quietus n.
    result n.
    tail n.

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См. также в других словарях:

  • nowhere in sight — nowhere to be seen/in sight/to be found/ phrase impossible to see find The children were nowhere in sight. The papers were nowhere to be found. Thesaurus: not clear to the sensessynonym senses and using the senses …   Useful english dictionary

  • nowhere to be seen — nowhere to be seen/in sight/to be found/ phrase impossible to see find The children were nowhere in sight. The papers were nowhere to be found. Thesaurus: not clear to the sensessynonym senses and using the senses …   Useful english dictionary

  • nowhere to be found — nowhere to be seen/in sight/to be found/ phrase impossible to see find The children were nowhere in sight. The papers were nowhere to be found. Thesaurus: not clear to the sensessynonym senses and using the senses …   Useful english dictionary

  • sight — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 ability to see ⇨ See also ↑eyesight VERB + SIGHT ▪ have ▪ She has very little sight in her left eye. ▪ lose ▪ He s lost the sight of one eye …   Collocations dictionary

  • nowhere — no|where [ nou,wer, nou,hwer ] adverb ** 1. ) not in any place or not to any place: Nowhere on earth is free from ecological damage. There is nowhere else for me to stay. Nowhere does it say that we cannot have guests in our rooms. Many people… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • nowhere */*/ — UK [ˈnəʊweə(r)] / US [ˈnoʊˌwer] / US [ˈnoʊˌhwer] adverb 1) not in any place, or not to any place Nowhere on earth is free from ecological damage. There is nowhere else for me to stay. Nowhere does it say that we cannot have guests in our rooms.… …   English dictionary

  • sight — sight1 [ saıt ] noun *** 1. ) uncount the ability to see using your eyes: EYESIGHT, VISION: I m having laser treatment to improve my sight. Wolf spiders hunt mainly by sight. => SECOND SIGHT a ) the act of seeing something: sight of: I can t… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • nowhere*/ — [ˈnəʊweə] adv 1) not in any place, or not to any place Nowhere does it say that we cannot have guests in our rooms.[/ex] There is nowhere else for me to stay.[/ex] 2) in or to no particular place The old railway tracks lead nowhere.[/ex] • get/go …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • nowhere — [[t]no͟ʊ(h)weə(r)[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADV INDEF NEG: ADV with be, ADV after v, oft ADV cl/group (emphasis) You use nowhere to emphasize that a place has more of a particular quality than any other places, or that it is the only place where something… …   English dictionary

  • nowhere — no|where S2 [ˈnəuweə US ˈnouwer] adv 1.) not in any place or to any place nowhere to go/live/sit etc ▪ I have no job and nowhere to live. ▪ Nowhere is drug abuse more of a problem than in the US. 2.) get/go nowhere to have no success or make no… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sight — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gesiht faculty or act of sight, thing seen; akin to Old High German gisiht sight, Old English sēon to see Date: before 12th century 1. something that is seen ; spectacle 2. a. a thing regarded… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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